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[Graica Final , l2j] Line][Age: War Supremacy. Just PERFECT!!!


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Hello everyone and welcome to the introduction of our brand new concept:


Line][Age: War Supremacy !


What we are up to here, is something brand new and beyond the corders set by the up-2-now existant private servers: A private, PvP server, where you will have the best time of your Lineage 2 gameplay age.

Because this, is something more than an idea. This is an idea come true. But enough with the prologue, let's walk on, to what everyone is expecting to hear.

This brand new server is what exactly it's pronounce says: A PvP Server. What makes this server special is that everyone stands a chance of beeing elite player. Why ? Because everyone, and we mean everyone will have the same gear.

On with the rates:


XP: 300

SP: Doesn't matter

Adena: Doesn't matter

Drop: Doesn't matter.

Enchant Rates:

Enchant Success Rate: 100%

Maximum amount of Enchant: 8

Safe amount of Enchant: 8


EVERYTHING, every single item sold in GM Shop for 1,000 adena, while new characters start with 2 billions of Adena at their inventory. What does this mean? It means that everyone will have the same items.



Up to the discription:

We are working a the latest datapack, with 95% implemented lvl 81 and 83 skills. We have a group of stable machines running the server for your very own pleasure.

Like mentioned before, all items are - actually - for free. Everyone will have the same enchant level on items.

Why is this all done? Because, beeing gamers, we know what gamers want, from this game. PvP ! And this is what we offer you.

You place some minutes to level up your main and your subclass, enchant your items (100% success rate, remember?) and start PvPing.

Unlike all other low-mid-high (only at xp, though) rate servers, we and only we, offer you what you've always been looking for.

PvP without having to wait for it. PvP where everyone stands a chance of winning. No more waiting hours on the pc to make

your character worth it in PvP. No more worries about losing xp when dying. No more stress for the success of the crafts.

No more nevres for beeing owned by a Donator.

We offer you Lineage 2 as its meant to be nowadays. No custom items. No editted classes. Just PvP using the chars as they

were ment to be used.



Of course there are NPCs:

Buffer with all the buffs in it. (NO BUFF LIMIT !)

GMShop with all the items available in the server, everything costing 1,000 Adena.

Teleporter with all available teleportation places.


There are also some other modifications.

Self buffs like Rapid Shot are turned into passives, so you won't have to use them every now and then.

Toggle skills like Vicious Stance that do not add a penalty to the character are turned into passives so you do not have to

toggle them On or toggle them Off.

Some custom colors for names, based on your PvP score.

*The only possible customization into one's character is choosing the Armor/Weapon you will use (obvious...), buffs you will use and Augments (Lifestnes at GM Shop, so you can augment untill you hit what you want) and skills enchanting.

Giant's Codex and Giant's Codex - Mastery are going to be obtained by buying them, for lol low lol prices of medals.

Medals will drop from Champion Mobs.

The point is that Champion mobs here, are not the champion mobs of other private servers.

They have the very same stats for Patk/Matk/AtkSpd/CastSpd/RunSpeed etc and PLUS x1 hp.

So if you have, par example, Falibati, which is an x1 mob, then Champion Mob Falibati, will be a falibati with x2 hp.

So gathering the Medals required for the Books you will need for your main class is possible to be 90% finished while EXPing your Main Class and your Subclass.

Also, the last thing that requires some action here is the Nobless quest.

No, not the whole quest. Hellfire Oil and Lunaargent are going to be available in the shop.

BUT! You will have to kill Barakiel. This is done to enable the good-old c4-c5 Barakiel fights and to improve the in game relationships between players. *


All in all, this is, in a gamer's opinnion, the place to be. Gamers want PvP, and we offer it to you.

What are you waiting for ? Try us. Besides, everything is free !




The L2][WarSupremacy Team!


Server Web Site : www.l2ws.com


If you are looking for a RARE custom pvp server try this : www.l2racesupremacy.com   , smth never seen before.


PS: Soz for the server status in web ,but we have some problems atm with the web hoster. SERVER IS ONLINE


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the only thing that keeps this server from COMPLETE failure is aguments!!!!!!

other then that its a fail.

L2 solo,or small group pvp without bishop is PURE luck. Its like a lottery.

Imagine 2 completley identical archers just standing and shooting at each other...now guess who will win?! Its like going to vegas for a money.

But u know whats more ironic then that?! that i will join and i think that MAYBE this could be one of the best PvP servers if there will be enough ppl and enough lucky aguments! :p


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the only thing that keeps this server from COMPLETE failure is aguments!!!!!!

other then that its a fail.

L2 solo,or small group pvp without bishop is PURE luck. Its like a lottery.

Imagine 2 completley identical archers just standing and shooting at each other...now guess who will win?! Its like going to vegas for a money.

But u know whats more ironic then that?! that i will join and i think that MAYBE this could be one of the best PvP servers if there will be enough ppl and enough lucky aguments! :p


"Buffer with all the buffs in it. (NO BUFF LIMIT !)"


rogue class FULL RESIST > ALL MAGES .. fail




go learn a bit l2 guys.

oh i forgot you are the so called server "critics" pffff


5 days and 400+ online..


server is online, just the  server status in web need to be fixed soz, but we had some prob with the web hoster.



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Lol man....wtf ..this is not a problem of webhoster but of your ability to go to your html files and fix it......ROFL.

Also i see your 2 homepages ,one you make it to show online and the other offline.....

Nevermind ,i dont have the wonder to disagree with you right now.I have better things to do.

Bye and good luck with the web hoster.



u rly make me laught,


l2off? get real lamer.

its l2joff kid

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kids dont go with insutlts, cus u are after the pc..


if dont like the server just get away.


I will follow your advice.(Not because i am kid,i am not.)

I really wish you good luck with your server to collect even more than 500 ppls online.

I just dont like your attitude to attack to these guys who post here their opinions(the bad one).

You must accept and the bad and the good.

Gl again.

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cmon guys for a reason it has more players than most of the basic servers so whats to point to act like that?^^and remember know something is ok but say something without know it is a failure :)

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    • While not very active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.  
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