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[SHARE]Server Attacker V3 (Version 3)

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Version 1.1 is more effective... xD


Glad your back... I wanna thank you...for your shares..and I just wanna say...that because of you im currently studing programmin langauges..


EDIT: This really works...i must say its the end of l2j... XD... btw ive killed like 5 servers xD

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What servers you actually destroy :P? and is not hte end of l2j is just a ddos programe :p




Notice:The admin of l2surviror test that programe at his own server and it works  great but after 5 mins he check his inbox e-mail and guess what it was the company (were his server is hosted) and they asked  if he want to move to courts for stilling legacy  and rights about his static ip adress and something bla bla bla so be carefull :)

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What servers i actually managed to destroy...were such as..l2witch which was a big failure server...


I know and i stongly understand the trouble this programme can get you at...but I use it on my own risk...And my ip is dynamic

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Imo attacking servers is not the best idea. Owners could have problems and even go to jail as Seamless mentioned above. So , I think attacking servers is not the best idea. If you want to destroy a server , make a char with infinite stats and kill 'em all , then ppl will leave..*rolls eyes*

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Any ideas why is not working to me :/?


i have the same problem with you.. i put the ip and the ports and i start attacking.. even with 100 attackers nothing happen! it says it sent 7.000 packets in a second , and no lag or nothing!

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i have the same problem with you.. i put the ip and the ports and i start attacking.. even with 100 attackers nothing happen! it says it sent 7.000 packets in a second , and no lag or nothing!

Version 1.1 is probably more effective than version 1.2... going to upload 1.1 :P

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