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[SHARE]Server Attacker V3 (Version 3)

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Hey people let's all hack www.deadsilence.tk




I now cant make it work it says it's not ready to attack...


if you have vista open it as adminstrator ... and if again isn't ready try to put other port like 7777 or 2106 etc..


if again isn't ready close it and open it !! if still isn't ready try it to other server :P

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Bypass for the Login server Wrong checksum error

Fixed the Not Ready to attack (You will get in 1 second to see if it's ready yes or not)

A big improvement for the Attackers

No slow downs while attacking

A new Connection Status function, This will let you know if the server is alive or died


More updates are coming soon :D

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If have the ip from server can you destroy the server,without to be in-game. Right?


right.. and if you have not the ip you can just in server with phx.. and then look at phx and you will see thw IP and port


P.S you can't destry a server just lag... or sometimes make it DOWN

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