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[SHARE]Server Attacker V3 (Version 3)

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Only I can't crash server? lol... I test on 3 servers:







No lag no something diffrent with server...


Lol your attacking at the port 2106 which is the login-server for sure you would not have much effect attacking a login server but people won't be able to login anymore

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well u saw the glitch yourself. If u stop attacking u have to close it and open it again to re-attack. =/


hope that u'll fix it ;]

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well u saw the glitch yourself. If u stop attacking u have to close it and open it again to re-attack. =/


hope that u'll fix it ;]

It's only sometime but mostly it's just working fine :P

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now all server pwnz :D

dragon hunter you are so so :D :D you know :D

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This is a lineage new era XD

Lol i swear yesterday post required liek 500 posts or somethhing, now it requires 2 karma? wtf? lol

both of you next time -1. Respect those who pay!

@DragonHunter Nice job dude! But why you dont make a aio with your programs xD?

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