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[Share] DotA Terminology/Dictionary.

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This is a DotA dictionary or terminology guide. Words will not be placed in alphabetic order and you'll excuse me for not doing it like that but i will first describe the terms and afterwards place them in alphabetic order once i have free time.







AC - Assault Curiass

HoT - Heart of Terasque

BkB - Black King's Bar

Aegis - Aegis of the Immortal [the item you get from roshan ]

SG/Shiva - Shiva's Guard

BS - Bloodstone [it can be used for Bloodseeker but i will not in the end of the dictionary twinks]

LS/Sphere - Linken's Sphere

VG/Vang - Vanguard

BM/Mail - Blade Mail

SB/Booster - Soul Booster

HoD/Hood - Hood of Defiance


Arcane Sanctum


GSV/Guinso/Scythe - Guinsoo Scythe of Vyse

OM/Malevolence/Orchid - Orchid's Melovence

ESD/Scepter/Eul - Eul's scepter of dvinity

FS - Force Staff

Necron/BOS[book of summoning] - Necromonicon

AS/Scepter - Aghanim's Scepter [yes i know it means attack speed too but as i said in the end of the guide i'll note twinks]

Refresher / Ref / RO - Refresher Orb


Supportive Vestments


Mekanism - Menkasm [yes ppl mistake it and say mekanism sometimes]

VO/Vlad - Vladimir's Offering

AR / Arcane - Arcane Ring

NB/ Buckler - Nathrezim Buckler

RoB/Basilius - Ring of Basilius

Pipe/KPI - Khadar's Pipe of Insight

HoR - Headdress of Rejuvenation



Ancient Weaponry


DR/Divine - Divine Rapier

MkB - Monkey king Bar

Radi - Radiance

Bfly/Butter - The ButterFly

BDK/Burize - Burize de kyanon

CR/Basher - Cranium Basher

BF/Fury - Battlefury

MS/Manta - Manta Style

AoM/AM/Armlet - Armlet of Moridiggian

LE[very rarely used]/Lothar - Lothar's Edge



Enchanted Artifacts


SY/S/Y/S&Y - Sange and Yasha

EoS/Skadi - Eye of Skadi

HoM/Helm/Domi - Helm of the Dominator

SD/Desolator - Stygian Desolator

MoM/Mask - Mask of Madness

DB/Diffusal - Diffusal Blade



Gateway Relics


BoT/Travel - Boots of Travel

PB/Phase - Phase Boots

PT - Power Threads

HoM / Midas - Hand of Midas

OS/Oblivion - Oblivion Staff

Persv - Perseverance






Now here i will not do  the same as items i will just put those names of heroes which are somehow shortened


Roof - Rooftrelen

DK - Dragon Knight

BS - BloodSeeker

KOTL - Keeper of the light

POTM/Mirana - Princess of the Moon

Magna - Mangataur

SK - Skeleton King

SK/Crix - Crixallis or Sand king both are used.

BM - Broodmother

PA - phantom assasin

PL - Phantom Lancer

NW/Weaver - Nerubian Weaver

NA - Nerbuian Assasin

DP - Death Prophet

TS - Tormented Soul

QoP - Qeen of Pain altho ppl call it Akasha mostly

Jugg - Obviously , Juggernaut

CW/Cent - Centaur Warchief

.... anything missed ? :)





AS - Attack Speed

MS - Movespeed

HP - Health Points

Inv - Inventory

Jungling - Farming,grinding or also called killing the creeps which are placed in the woods

Exp - Experience "I'll go exp" "I'll go level"

Miss top/mid/down [name of hero] - Players usually say "miss" when a player is missing from their lane, for example im in top lane and i have as enemies tiny and potm so i say "miss potm top" if i know where he's going then i'll say :

care - You say to someone care when you think that the person will get ganged for example if you are sure potm is going mid you'll say "Mid care" or :

b - B means Back. Back is a demand and it's used to alert the players of your team used like "b mid" or when you push and your goal in your push or gang or raid is complteted you'll most likely say "team b"

ss - SS is another way to say miss.

Gang - Gang is a team action which is described like this. You and your team is gathered and you assault an enemy. To be more precise you and f.e a teammate backstab an enemy.

me b shop/ b shop / shop - ppl usually leave lanes so they can visit the shop to buy things so they not their teammates by saying "b shop" or only "shop"...

gg - gg means good game. People use it when you fight a duel 1v1 , after the duel ended they cheer the winner with GG. Also in the end of the game someone may say gg expressing his opinion on how the game went and to be more certain if someone says gg he just wants to say everything you or your team or someone else did was good. Good game mainly :).

ng - ng on the other hand means noob game mostly used when the battle becomes 1 sided .

feeder - a player most likely a newbie that doesn't controll his hero well and he lets the enemy kill him without any resistance , or going to enemy base without any serious reason

bd - bd means backdoor or to be more certain backdooring means when you're attacking a tower or any other enemy base without any creeps around you.. for example if you go solo a tower it will be called bd and it's not really allowede altho if you are in enemy base soloing a tower while there is even 1 ally creep in their base its allowed.

fb - first blood [first blood is the 1st kill registered in the dota map and as an award of doing a fb the one who did it gets a bonus of 250 gold]


Ok so much for our mini dictionary if you think something's missing tell me and i'll add it


Twinks : AS / MS / BS / SS [missed anything?] be sure to check what both of the twinks mean so you can be sure when someone use them what they reffer to.


Thanks for reading this guide, DreaM.







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hp- hit points  i think :P


also some guys telling to me to make a bf i cant understand butterfly or batllefury xD


anyway thanks for info! :D


depends on the hero you play if you are a STR most likely battlefury if Agi fly ;].

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  • 4 months later...

*Destickied . Added link to this guide in this one - > http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123044.msg854670#msg854670

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    • From my personal experiences 🙂   Few months ago I decided to create my own Essence project. Project needs website, and I do not specialize in frontend development (t.y. i can make web work, but it won't be pretty for eye). So I search and find a guy in Discord, which claims he can make me a good looking HTML website for 30 EUR, prove some screenshots from his previous work. I agree. 1 week later, I get my HTML website, make few changes to contents, update URLs and upload it to FTP. Site looks good, I am happy that this headache is no more.   Few months passes. I randomly crawl through other Essence server websites scouting for good ideas for my own project. Suddenly one of russians project website opens and.. it's the same website as one I have 😉 perfectly absolutely same layout, colours, etc etc etc. I contact my guy to ask what the hell, to get blocked 😉  So I find a weekend worth of my time. Find HTML5 boilerplate generator and ask it to include Bootstrap 5 and some other stuff. Open Bootstrap documentation, drink two energy drinks on instant and start working my backend-inspired HTML black magic... Once I found suiting firefly effect for header, result looked oikay for me: Absolutely no magic or beauty here, but: * Unique (and probably nobody cares to rip it) * Done for free in ~10 hours by non-frontend dev * Most modern browsers friendly * Completely static content, loads instantly. No PHP at all * Sidebar statuses (online, pvp, pk) are pulled from account manager REST API endpoint and is cached for 5 minutes. Account manager runs separately from website frontend and has access to server DB. Where could/will it get better? * Code in Vue instead of HTML - time concerns only, but Vue is superior compared to HTML/PHP for supporting desktop/mobile, easing development by miles. Need to learn how to use it properly. * Way to manage content from backend - in my instance I think account manager is not really meant for that. Vue can help here too - there are components for content building. * Currently default Bootstrap components are used. Would be nice to have custom and more vibrant buttons. Guess what, Vue can help here too.   tl;dr don't buy 30EUR website, it will be ripped or shit. you better make your own website. Be curious. I am backend developer, I obviously have general idea how frontend works. But imho everyone who can make L2 server by editing NPC HTMLs, also can make their own simple website. ChatGPT and other AIs are your friends. Bootstrap. jQuery documentations are your friends. And when you feel good and comfortable with HTML, if you like, you can continue learning Vue, or going backend. Now, as for the top sites. You really need to invest money to make new project work. I mean really, really much money. For this concept to work, top website itself must get visited. But if you can sort that your top site would be popular amongst players, then it's a really very simple concept, as far as current 2004-ish sites goes. I think simple, working concept of this, maybe without proper frontend, but with implemented backend logics (add/edit/disable server, sort by votes count (top list), vote for server with verification, callback to server endpoint - all of that can be done using Symfony in mostly 5 days, with lots of breaks for coffee and a smoke 😉. Experienced mid frontend dev would make a Vue/React frontend for it in another 5 days. it's really really simple concept 🙂  
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