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i know some of you have show this parody but some other not so i will share some with you :D









comming more soon



ekei apla tis vlepoun egw tou dinw tin eukeria na tin exoun sto pc tous :D


kapioi pane se net gt dn exoun internet spiti tous ara mporoun me ena flash na tis apoktisoun sto pc tous xoris internet xD


ekei apla tis vlepoun egw tou dinw tin eukeria na tin exoun sto pc tous :D


kapioi pane se net gt dn exoun internet spiti tous ara mporoun me ena flash na tis apoktisoun sto pc tous xoris internet xD

kai na exis tin eukeria na paris points sto rapid share e?1000% :D k gw etc kanw tora tha anevaso kati tragoudakia^^


kalo post....keep updating.....


//Off topic barieme na kanw new thread mporei na einai axristo 3erei kanc pws kanw diko m radio pou mporw na milaw kiolas?Free ennoeite.... :P


Soz gia to off....

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