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Treasure chest and treasure box

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Hey guys is my frist topic on this forum cause i saw all my bugs were allready discovered by someone else too :P anyway if this think is known already delete the topic :P

Ok listen up : you open  your l2 walker ... you dont need that things in host or l2asrv or any other shits just open an ingame walker and minimize it . Now open your l2 login etc etc...then make the game window mode (alt +enter). Now hit home to open l2walker...you see a tab on the left side is called information; now you select mons tab from there...this make you see the mobs around you . Here the exploit comes : if the server has all over the world just treasure chest when you see the mons around you and you also have a treasure chest near, the l2walker makes the difference betwen the treasures....if it is the lucky treasure it appearce to be a treasure box under the mons tab  and if just a BAD treasure it sais treasure chest...is very usefull for low rates server and it also works everywhere



Ps:sry for my english (in case i made mistakes) AND GIVE ME POSTS !!  :o

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About that exploit, its too weak, do it like this:

Open l2 utils in the npc part, there is lot of treasure chest, just  find out what id are box(l2j per example)

and then change its title, this file will work in almost every server and is easier to find out where are the boxes!

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there another ways to find out which chest can will open, u just need 3 files and u can see all mobs drop , spoil, and treasure chests


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np but i think all  you do is spamming ...:      How to kill RaidBoss easy...  New  « 1 2 3 4 5 »  MASTROPOS  69  2142  Last post  Today at 03:20:52 PM

by Hentai_Fr3AK

Treasure chest and treasure box New mandark 8 124 Last post Today at 03:18:23 PM

by Hentai_Fr3AK

nice news New « 1 2 3 » Only4You 31 1030 Last post Today at 03:06:16 PM

by Hentai_Fr3AK

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The file that contains the names of the npcs is obviously npcname-e.dat.

You just need to edit that file.

You need to use l2encdec(decrypt file) on it then l2disasm then edit it... then l2asm it back together and re-encrypt it with l2encdec again.

Learn to mod client files you can do much more then you think.

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Hey guys is my frist topic on this forum cause i saw all my bugs were allready discovered by someone else too :P anyway if this think is known already delete the topic :P

Ok listen up : you open  your l2 walker ... you dont need that things in host or l2asrv or any other shits just open an ingame walker and minimize it . Now open your l2 login etc etc...then make the game window mode (alt +enter). Now hit home to open l2walker...you see a tab on the left side is called information; now you select mons tab from there...this make you see the mobs around you . Here the exploit comes : if the server has all over the world just treasure chest when you see the mons around you and you also have a treasure chest near, the l2walker makes the difference betwen the treasures....if it is the lucky treasure it appearce to be a treasure box under the mons tab  and if just a BAD treasure it sais treasure chest...is very usefull for low rates server and it also works everywhere



Ps:sry for my english (in case i made mistakes) AND GIVE ME POSTS !!  :o

I believe that in low rate server that isn't working!Walker isn't working in most Low rate servers..

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