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Who is considering his self a hacker i have to add some critic I'm not a hacker


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Let me break down what is a real fucking hacker ( i am not do not blame me but i fucking know) A real fucking hacker only uses cmd never download silly programs and consider his self a hacker he enters in a system even if it has 5 firewalls or anyother damn shit they don't stuck in the password screen !! so for those out there who are wannabe hackers they need to spent their lifes to be not making silly programs without even knowing wtf is hacking and you damn people do not admire damn program kids telling em hackers fuck this

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First how do you define hacking.

If by hacking you mean helping people and developing projects to help others and stuff, then I would say I am a hacker.

But if you mean that by defacing websites and destroying computers or getting servers down and making damage to other people then you should use the term "cracker" instead of "hacker".

You know "hackers" the real one's are the same people that created internet in the form we know it today and developed it to what it is now.

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Supose noobs define a hacker as someone who can enter in some other PC, System etc, and put a flag and do nothing, just put a flag that he entered there.


A cracker is who delete information and other stuff from that system he entered.


But pro ppl define a hacker who i someone that knows a lot about some system, not necessary about all systems :/

Anyways the word is in wrong use, no one is hackers, there is just ppl who knows a lot, and ar rly good at finding bugs etc, nothing else :D


Thats my opinion

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Why ur making a post for this ? a professional hacker would never say hes a hacker even if he is :P




First how do you define hacking.

If by hacking you mean helping people and developing projects to help others and stuff, then I would say I am a hacker.


So you are a white hat :P (why did you change your avatar ?? :()

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So you are a white hat :P (why did you change your avatar ?? :()

Not sure , maybe "Red Hat" :P

Changed my avatar again to the "glider" emblem. :P

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First how do you define hacking.

If by hacking you mean helping people and developing projects to help others and stuff, then I would say I am a hacker.

But if you mean that by defacing websites and destroying computers or getting servers down and making damage to other people then you should use the term "cracker" instead of "hacker".

You know "hackers" the real one's are the same people that created internet in the form we know it today and developed it to what it is now.

look what stealth says

the right word is "cracker"

"hacker" means that you are expert in something not that you break into systems or something

it's nowdays that ppl don't know the right meaning

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look what stealth says

the right word is "cracker"

"hacker" means that you are expert in something not that you break into systems or something

it's nowdays that ppl don't know the right meaning

Exactly and I hate when they say in the TV "a hacker has done this and that" and blablabla.

They are just stupid and dont know the meaning of hacking.

Also hackers are the people that made unix-based systems and provided them free , along with FREE knowledge to people so they can learn too.So hacker is not someone who does this and that and keeps it to himself , hacking is based on teamwork.


PS: I dont add a nametag to myself as a member of a group like hackers and crackers. I just believe Im someone who is intensively searching for knowledge and truth (and not only online).


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Why ur making a post for this ? a professional hacker would never say hes a hacker even if he is :P


/totally agree

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