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[L2J GRACIA FINAL] L2 Draconian - Grand Opening


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Default [L2J CT2.3] L2 Draconian PvP Opening on SUNDAY!!

Welcome to L2 Draconian Private Lineage 2 Server.


We are able to start the server officially running on Sunday 14:00 GMT +2.

We already worked enough time on server so We will not have many time BETA phase!

Today is Test Server + BETA , Tomorrow ( 13/09/2009 ) at 13:30 GMT +2 wiping and at 14:00 starting running LIVE!





This Server is made for fun all ppl who like a pvping in a normal and balanced server.

We had added some custom mobs not for hard farms though.


[move]No Donations[/move]



Server is running on a powerfull machine located in Dallas, United States of America


Server works HT2100 plus HT1000

CPU Quantity x2

Type AMD Opteron 2344HE

2x Quad-Core

RAM Quantity 8 GB

Type DDR2-667 ECC Registered

Harddrive SATA II 7,200 rpm 500GB

LAN 100 Mbit/s


Server Rates:

Experience 2000x / Adena 1000x / SpellPoints x1000 Auto Learn)/ 1x Drop Rate 4x GrandBossDropRate

Enchant Rates: 75% Normal Scroll , 85% Blessed Scroll , 60% Attribute Stone

SafeEnchant = +10 MaxEnchant = +20


Augment Rates:

No-Grade Life Stone: 15%

Mid-Grade Life Stone: 35%

High Grade Life Stone 45%

Top-Grade Life Stone: 60%


Server Features:


* Global Gatekeeper to all L2 Map

* Class Changer

* GM Shop with all kinds of armors till s84

* NPC Buffer all buffs 2h , (Exept Kamael Buffs)

* No Tattoo's

* No Custom Armors

* Level 81 Skills Working 100% Retail Like (Auto Learn)

* Level 83 Skills Working 100% Retail Like (Auto Learn)

* NPC Enchanter for all classes at Giran Town

* Banking System enabled, press .deposit for Adena=> Gold Bar , or .withdraw for Gold Bar=> Adena

* Grand Raid Boss respawn is retail like , (You can get Raid jewels from farm too)

* Farming Area (Abadonded Coal Mines) [ Mobs Changed to a Custom Mode to drop 100kk each mob and 5% for Attribute Stones / Life Stones / Glittering Medal ]

* PvP / Farm Area (Fortress of Dead) [ Same Mobs as the Farming Area , but this area is for better PvP and less Farming]







We can't give more information, Visit us in game for more


Draconian Server www.l2draconian.com

Forum : http://z6.invisionfree.com/L2_Draconian/index.php



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Sry for my title i didnt knew was illegal :)


Server is opened BETA today you can test it.

Tomorow at 13:30 gmt +2 we make wipe!


And at 14:00 we are live !



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Sound nice without donation :)

I hope its not next L2 LoL server :)

I wish u luck :)

I test it tommorow when it come official phase ;)


IMO i think safe 7 max 20 better ;) But thats just my opinon :)




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