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About The Stickied Youtube Thread


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I don't think this is a youtube topic anymore Its a spamzor topic it is like saying Post here to increase your posts Its better to someone to post his own vid and his own opinion at a topic camon will you ever enter to (youtube Spamzor thread) To watch videos? will you ever?


You know me i am not a damn spamzor i have posted about 2 vids in the past You can't check my posts in my profile it might be 1 by day

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well, i only share music videos which i listen that moment and i see some funny videos from GrisoM's shares, so i don't think that it much de-stickied

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Because is full of spam, Maxtor should de-stickied and locked and makes a new one. Youtube Thread #2 or somethink like this shit.

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