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[DotA Contest][Guide]Slardar, The Silthereen Guard.


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Slardar, The Silthereen Guard


Hero alignment: Scourge

Hero type: Strength




After a millennium of being trapped under the raging waters of the Maelstrom, Slardar rose from its chaotic depths with his brethren to serve the mighty demon lord, Illidan Stormrage. Fanatically devoted to his cause, this Naga fought valiantly along his side until he succumbed to fatal wounds in the heat of battle. Salvation finally seemed within grasp - that is until his fate became intertwined with the grim reach of the Lich King. Reincarnated as a soulless beast without emotion, Slardar tears through the enemy lines with inhuman speed, striking them out cold with mighty blows, undeterred in his quest to fulfill Nerzhul's every whim.



Hero Statistics


Slardar is far the most dangerous hero of them all he is an item dependable hero then again if he indeed gets what he needs to get he becomes a killing mashine that only few heroes can stop. Meaning of which im talking about heavy bashers such as Troll Warlord or Void. Then again these two fellas can only do something in the late game phrase where its not only their ownage but yours as well! He has 2 bashing skills helping him kill any enemy a chasing skill + a imbalanced ultimate which makes the hero unbeatable in a 1 on 1 combo. That skillset is most likely pricked for the one and only, killing machine Slardar. Moving on to the guide tho :).


Content of the Guide


I. Hero Stats

II. Skills/Skill's Build/Skill's Info

III. Item Build -Main Build- -Althernative build- -Rejected build- Containing

a) Start Game Build

b) Mid Game Build

c) Late Game Build

IV. Stragey Containing

a)Start Game

b)Mid Game

c)Late Game

V. Lane Control

VI. Jungling

VII. Heroes,Enemies,Preys

VIII. Pros'n'Cons

VIX. My Personal Comment

X. Credits




Range: 100 [Melee] | | Move Speed: 300 | Primary: STR

Str: 21 + 2.8 | Agi: 17 + 1.9 | Int: 15 + 1.5

Damage: 51 - 59 | HP: 549 | Mana: 195

HP Regen: 0.88 | Mana Regen: 0.61

Attack Speed: 1.41 (+ 17% IAS) | Armor: 4.4


Comments:  He has normal base stats for a STR hero . No unbalancement which helps him maintain a nice style of playing during the end of the game. Tbh i really think for a strenght hero he has far the greatest stats among them all.




skill-0.gif Sprint


Slardar increases his movement speed dramatically, but takes 10% bonus damage.

Lasts 25 seconds.


Level 1 - Increases speed by 10%.

Level 2 - Increases speed by 20%.

Level 3 - Increases speed by 30%.

Level 4 - Increases speed by 40%.


Cooldown: 45 seconds.


Level 1: 50 mana, 45 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 50 mana, 45 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 50 mana, 45 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 50 mana, 45 sec cooldown.


Comment: The skills providing the awesomness of Slardar. A chasing/running skill for a strenght hero provides the one and only thing that this type of heroes need as he's power is based on damage and on bashing and that requires a close range in order to cast one of those deadly attacks and that's the skill providing this needed speed.




Slithereen Crush:


Slardar slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. Slows enemy units by 20% for 2 seconds afterwards.


Level 1 - 50 damage, 1 second stun.

Level 2 - 100 damage, 1.5 second stun.

Level 3 - 150 damage, 2 second stun.

Level 4 - 200 damage, 2.5 second stun.


Cooldown: 8 seconds.


Level 1: 80 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 95 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 105 mana, 8 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 115 mana, 8 sec cooldown.


Comment: A very nice AOE stun that also can either provide a disable technique or either a escape one. Thats 360 AOE stun that can let you finish off any enemies that give you a hard time like troll or just runaway from those that can easily chase you [witch doctor with his stun] [bristle with his slow]


skill-2.jpg Bash:


Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.


Level 1 - 10% chance per attack.

Level 2 - 15% chance per attack.

Level 3 - 20% chance per attack.

Level 4 - 25% chance per attack.




Comment: The skill that makes that hero so powerful. I can say that's one of the source of his power as thanks to this skill he can take on almost every hero in a 1v1 combo. Not to mention that the enemy can rarely escape from it while combined with your second spell.Imho this is his core strenght after his ultimate.


skill-3.gif Amplify Damage:


Amplifies physical damage against enemy units by reducing their armor. Lasts 30 seconds.


Level 1 - 5 armor penalty.

Level 2 - 10 armor penalty.

Level 3 - 15 armor penalty.


Cooldown: 10 seconds.


Level 1: 25 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 25 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 25 mana, 10 sec cooldown.


Comment: The other source of Slardar powers and 'for me' the best ultimate created in the map. Its spamable it has low manacost/cd , it increases your's and your teamate's DPS and on top of that it can be used to track down invisible units which makes this ultimate the best ultimate in the Map .


Skill Build


You'll level the following skills on a certain level :


skill-1.gif  1,3,5,7

skill-0.gif  2,4,8,9

skill-2.jpg 10,12,13,14

skill-3.gif  6,11,16

And at 14/15/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25 you'll most likely level the Attributes skill.


Comment : Leveling your main stun at start is the best option as this will help you finish off your enemies or save yours or any teamate's ass. Spring as a secondary skill is the best option because of the same reason of running away or either chasing after your enemy. Your ultimate is optionale since it's the best ultimate that a STR hero can have . Bash is the last skill you level since you'll need that bas in late game and not in start atleast that's what i think.


Item Build

a) Starting Items


thumb.jpg Queling blade for a melee STR is usually optional it will help you farm and all that so you should take it

thumb.jpg 1x will be good for stabalizing your hp counter

thumb.jpg Ofc you'll need something you will heal with once your hp drops low.

thumb.jpg A circlet if randomed if not another Gauntlets :).


Next item you'll farm for will either be a boots of speed tho that's not recommended or a helm of iron will that will later turn into an Armlet.  Anyway whichever comes first will be followed from the another one that's left. The boots of speed will turn into Power threads while the two left Gauntles will just go to Bracers of course.


b) Mid Game Items


Now,after completing the items which you started making in the starting game you should focus on doing the main items for the hero. First one will be thumb.jpg and second one will either be a thumb.jpg or a thumb.jpg then again those both are late game items but assault should be maden first as it stands out like a second ultimate to you.  


c) Late Game Items


So, in this stage you will have to look for an optional way of  regenerating life as your enemies have probably grown stronger and you need to disable them in some way. Gaining lifesteal is an ultimate idea. Most likely, you will do this items thumb.jpg because of the hp you gain + the awesome active which will probably regain your full hp after doing your ultimate on someone and afterwards spam attacks on him.After having so much HP gain from Satanic + HOT you should focus on gaining more damage. To gain more damage i usually do thumb.jpg as it not only gives alot of dmg but it also adds a cleaving attack which is useful in late game cuz as we all know that in late game the creeps count spawned are many and it will be slow to kill the creeps one by one and there shouldn't be any delays for you in late game as you're a killing machine.


Build Info


thumb.jpg Power threads for the attack speed + MS + the hp is the best item you can get among those who give the basic stat which is MS. You don't need to get Phase boots as you already have your first skill. Getting a BoT is useless as you can simply carry around a Town Portal with you instead of wasting money on BoT.


thumb.jpg Item giving alot of hp + alot of dmg which is just one more + for slardar as his damage is increased thanks to your ultimate and more dmg will just let you take out your enemy faster.


thumb.jpg An item that will make you invurnable to all spells + give you bonus hp + damage imo one of the best items you can take on any tank or any str hero..


thumb.jpg An AS providing item + making you a tank + a second ultimate which means once you have this you will be a real killing machine. There wil be no one and i mean no one that will be able to kill you in a 1v1 fight unless he's someone like troll which has an imba bash which can also not let you even attack him once.


thumb.jpg This item makes you not only a killing machine but a tank too it also gives an imba hp regen and a small but still useful amount of damage.


thumb.jpg In the end only thing you will need vs heavy tank heroes is going to be lifesteal and this item provides it not to mention the owning skill it has. Also it gives you bonus hp which will really let you gang more then 2 enemies at once.


thumb.jpg A damage providing item and an item that will help you hold/clean creep's pushes i think its the most useful item for you in the late game as it is the cherry of your strenght and it makes you unbeatable.


Alternative Items


thumb.jpg If there are alot of mages or simply they are way too many stunners on the other team. This will be the item that will help you disable all of them and turn you into your team's tank.


thumb.jpg If you get overfed in start and there are no tanks/gang initiators  getting this item is a must.


thumb.jpg Yes this is both in main build and in alternative as you can choose between IT and BattleFury then again i prefer IT before the BF.


Rejected Items


thumb.jpg It's true that this is a good item for slardar because of the armor decrease but then again it is orb and to you, the satanic is more useful then this item + that decreasing armor has it's limits tbh a -3 armor and -10 is pretty much the same . Same goes for amor increas +14 armor is the same if having a +25 like treant protector or Knight Davion can reach.


thumb.jpg Useless lifesteal item, it doesn't stack with sprint so its completely useless to you.


thumb.jpg This bash doesn't stack with the one you have as a skill so this item is useless.


thumb.jpg Orb effect + you have already high enough hp/as/ms with all the other items...


thumb.jpg You have a nice bash already why getting even more bash imo its useless item.


thumb.jpg You're not any gang initator in first and you can't make much use of runes in start so this is completely useless to get in start game.



Do not be stupid and do not get any other orb effects or items like scepter xD.


Strategy Guide


a) Start Game


In start you should pick a lane alonside an ranged ally. You should stay at your lane atleast untill your armlet and PT are done. Try to lasthit alot and use your stun to lasthit creeps and sprint to escape. Do not be an idioit and do not think of ganging in start you are not even close to an gang initiator in start. Don't forget you're an item dependable  hero so you cannot do anything without basic items. Try to deny and tease enemies if they  are melees. If they are ranged tho only try to last hit as denying can only get you in trouble ... well im not saying lasthitting can't but it's worth loosing some hp for gold while just preventing your enemies from having gold is more like the ranged guy's job.


b) Mid Game


At this stage you should go on ganging caster-type heroes and heroes with low hp. At this stage you should get the BKB done so that can make your gangs easier for you and give no chance of survival to your enemy try to stun first hit hit hit and then use sprint to chase after as doing sprint + stun + hit hit hit can just shorten the time of the effect of sprint and you'll need it more to chase after or to escape if you are being ganged after you kill the ally of the enemy. After making BKB go for assault so once you've done it you can join into big pushes alongside your team.


c)Late Game


In this phase of game you will be threaten by the late gamers of your enemy team so now's the pefect time for doing the lifsteal item -> Satanic. Do not seperate yourself from your teammates at this stage . Push as much as you can and try to end the game asap then again if your enemies are all casters and they are NO late gamers you can simply just farm a full inventory and have some real fun making godlikes :).


Lane Control


You cannot do much about your lane since you are not ganger nor a range hero. You should concentrate on farming and less on protecting your lane even if your primary tower gets destroyed do not be worried as then your lane enemies will go ganging and will leave a space for you to farm. Then again if you are the winning lane destroy the tower and go to :




You should go on jungling in the period after destroying your first lane tower of your enemies till the time you complete pt/armlet/bkb. You do not need to jungle later as you will pretty much look onto killing in mid game so wasting time in the jungle in this period of the game is pointless.


Best Allies


Your allies are the stunners , the slowers and the healers, then again, the heroes matching all these things + providing yet another useful thing combined with your killing abilities is  With Doctor with his 3rd spell and Dazzle with his ultimate. They both can make an unbeatable team with you and can ensure an easy victory for your team these are the 2 heroes you can make the best team with.


Worst Enemies


As i mentioned before in this guide your worst enemies in late game are going to be the Troll Warlord and Void. They both have bash skills like you do, tho they have a bonus on their side and that's theirs attack speed which will for sure overpower you if you get once stunned by their bash. Not to mention that Void's ultimate disables you for a period of time giving enough time for Void to either escape or finish you off. Another enemy in your eye is Chen since he has a skill thanks to which you will take bonus damage when you have recieved a certain amount. And if your enemies team up with Witch Doctor that doesn't only happen to be your best ally but  even your worst enemy your defeat is certain.




Every slow hero without any chance of escaping or any skill that boosts his speed is a prey for you as you have ALOT of speed. Also heroes with low hp and low armor are also preys as you have a skill that increases your dps while attacking them and that will just make them die faster which will allow you to stun them and in the same amount of time finish off them and walk like a happy man .


Pros and Cons



-Hero with 2 stuns

-Uncatchable hero

-A holder of the best ultimate

-Anti-Tank Hero

-Not a hard hero to control



-Item Dependable

-Not a tank nor a gang initiator in start

-Low AS which makes his bash useless if not carrying any AS increasing item



Personal Comment


I think the Slardar is one of the best STR heroes they are he doesn't have so many rivals in the map and he has skills that truelly make him a killing machine. I really enjoy playing him as he's not a hard hero to be controlled he has spells thanks to which you can chase after your enemy or run away from him and he's a fast farmer if let alone to farm. He also has a nice HP level and that makes him a half-tank and i like this fact alot as im a tank  classes fan when it comes down to MMO games.




Blizzard for the awesome games

IceFrog for the awesome map

PlayDota for the icons + the idea for creating a Slardar guide

Me for the guide



Thanks again hope you like it


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2 things: your Item Build has 7 items..... But you can only have 6 .....

and second, put some images to allies,bad enemies and preys, and you will get +1  ...

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2 things: your Item Build has 7 items..... But you can only have 6 .....

and second, put some images to allies,bad enemies and preys, and you will get +1  ...


Time for me to comment. Overall the guide is good and tbh its the best one so far. So actually TheEnd seeing at your comment i can clearly say you did NOT read his guide and as a judge you should have


thumb.jpg Yes this is both in main build and in alternative as you can choose between IT and BattleFury then again i prefer IT before the BF.


from here you can see he's not sure which of thesee two will be better for the hero. If you ask me for sure bkb is way better imo. As i said your guide is nice but i'll wait for the other judges to see this topic as ppl might say there's corruption cuz you're a guy from my country ^^. About enemies and preys instead of adding best worst enemies preys he just did a comment on these facts and clearly the facts aren't bad. Well i'll be waiting for the other judges but as i said before your guide is the best one + tm detailed one so far.


EDIT: One more thing at the quote i gave you i think its better to fix this text and instead of IT to write BKB otherwise some ppl get the wrong idea.

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b) Mid Game Items


Now,after completing the items which you started making in the starting game you should focus on doing the main items for the hero. First one will be thumb.jpg and second one will either be a thumb.jpg or a thumb.jpg then again those both are late game items but assault should be maden first as it stands out like a second ultimate to you.  



HoT and AC for mid game items?


eeeehh no?




also i prefer imo getting bash from level 2 is fine, since it can help some times.



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he has posted so many items in build info something can be chosen from there...


e.g armlet, battle fury


He clearly said he'll be doing armlet + 1/2 bracers + PT for start game items and then going for BKB afterwards for either AC+HoT and that is pretty much the end of mid game so there's no problem regarding this fact imho.

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as clearly stated he adds HoT or AC as mid game items. he will have to farm too much if he wishes to get HoT or AC as mid game items. that requires a lot of farming. he should have adding as mid items the other options he stated and as late game items he should add HoT and AC.


prolly you didn't understand me

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The phase which he's talking about is clearly the end of mid game as im he's saying at start of the mid game you should complete your armlet and start making BKB then afterwards do AC/HoT. You are the one lacking the understanding.

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Yeah I did say that you should go for bkb first before going for AC. Also thank you DreaM for your wonderful words. [bg]no ti ve4e mi kaza kakwo mislish po skaipa[bg]


PS: Looking forward of seeing more comments ! ^.^

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