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[GUIDE]Alternative Way - Anti-PHX Enchant.

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Well, well. As I was checking some multisells, and the PHX Enchant exploit, suddenly, I got an idea for it's fix!

I have searched to see if it's allready posted, but I found only similar topics with the fix. But not this one.

This, is something completely different and easy.

As we know, before we begin working with phx, we must first enchant our item one enchant less than the safe enchant of the server. So, if the safe is +5, we should enchant it on +4. And here's the solution!

We simply change some values in our GM-Shop's and other shops' multisells.

What do I mean? Check. This is a simple multisell that sells a short sword.

<item id="1">
<ingredient id="57" count="100" enchant="0"/>
<production id="1" count="1" enchant ="0"/>


You must have seen that the enchant value, in the production item id, is 0. What we must do, is to change the value, into our server's safe enchant.

So if the server's safe enchant is for example 5, it will become like this:

<item id="1">
<ingredient id="57" count="100" enchant="0"/>
<production id="1" count="1" enchant ="5"/>


I didn't leech the guide from somewhere else, I was just inspired. So if you want to copy it, give the proper credits.


P.S.: Hidden for 30 posts. If they are considered as many or low, then I please a mod to change them


Best Regards.

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Hmm..you mean to change the multisell codes so when a player buy a weapon he will take it in safe enchant..?


If it's that,good one.But its not boring to change all the multisell files?:S

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Hmm..you mean to change the multisell codes so when a player buy a weapon he will take it in safe enchant..?


If it's that,good one.But its not boring to change all the multisell files?:S


Well, I would sacrifise some of my time, in order to avoid such a good exploit, if I didn't have java knowledge...

And btw the most important weapons are B A S... It's non sense to to this on a D grade weapon, as nobody could bring unbalance with an overenchanted D weap.

Also ,fix ur topic title.

Should be

[Guide]Alternative way - Anti-PHX enchant



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doh, actually, it was made long ago, and also its just a way to avoid it a bit.

It's not how to remove phx absolutely.

So locked, to avoid further spamming.

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