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OK, so here's my guide about Troll... =D


First off, remeber that he is an Agility hero, and if played well he is a very good gank-initiator, chaser, and can escape easily.


Movespeed --> 300



Can kill anyone in early, mid and late game.

Can escape easily.

Has high Movespeed with his 1st skill.

Can jungle from lvl 1.



Low HP.

If you feed at the beginning everyone will kill you.

100% item dependent.








Berserker Rage




When you enable this skill, Jah'rakal will start attacking in melee instead of range.

But he will gain some extra abilities:


+ 20 Movespeed, +attack speed, + 100 hit points, + 15 damage, and Bash.



Level 1 --> 5% chance to Bash, for 25dmg / 2s stun.

Level 2 --> 5% chance to Bash, for 50dmg / 2s stun.

Level 3 --> 10% chance to Bash, for 25dmg / 2s stun.

Level 4 --> 10% chance to Bash, for 25dmg / 2s stun, + 10 more Movespeed.



Comment: Usually I max out this skill first, because troll is pure pwnage from melee.

But if I have a stunner in my lane, I prefer getting other skills first, for Atk.Speed so I can kill the guy first and then go melee =D.


Also, if you have got it but are still ranged because you don't have it lvl 4 yet, and someone starts chasing you, it's best to use it to run faster.



Note: You can always disable this skill and go back to range, but you will lose all the attributes you gained.

When you die and respawn at the fountain you will respawn with this skill NOT triggered, so you will spawn attacking from range.













When you cast this skill to someone, he will start missing to some of his attacks:


Cast range = 700, Mana cost = 20, duration = 15s .


Level 1 --> 20%, 15s CD

Level 2 --> 28%, 12s CD

Level 3 --> 36%, 9s CD

Level 4 --> 44%, 6s CD


Comments: I usually get it just once, in case someone starts chasing me, so he'll have less chances of actually killing me.

And don't forget that most people will chase you no matter what when you've got low HP, so with the tower you can kill anyone who chases you if you got low HP.


Note: If you got an enemy like Clinkz, or Mortred who are most likely to get a icon.jpg don't even bother casting it on them, because with MKB they won't miss.










That's a passive skill.

When you get this skill, every time you attack someone you will gain extra atk speed.

When you change targets the extra attack speed will drop to 50%.


Level 1 --> 5% extra atk. speed

Level 2 --> 10% extra atk. speed

Level 3 --> 15% extra atk. speed

Level 4 --> 20% extra atk. speed



Comments: This is usually the 2nd skill to max out when I've got a lot of casters and low HPers on the enemy team.

With so much attack speed and bash, Troll can kill anyone with low HP even at the first 3-4 lvls.


Note: You can't get over 100% attack speed bonus.






Battle Trance




When you enable this skill every hero in your team will get some extra Attack speed bonus for 5s, (lasts 3 more seconds on you, so it's 8 seconds for you).


Mana cost = 75, Cooldown = 20s


Level 1 --> 60%

Level 2 --> 80%

Level 3 --> 100%


Comments: When you get this skill it's best you leave your lane, and go jungling.


Why? Another person can go to your lane and get extra xp, while you will get extra xp from jungling.


Because you'll have so much attack speed (and lifesteal) you'll not die from neutrals.


Also you will help your teammates when you use it, because they will push faster at their lanes








Skills Build:



If you've got a lot of casters, chars with low HP:












+ Attributes


+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes


+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes







Against DPSers, heavy HPers:

















+ Attributes


+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes

+ Attributes







Ok, in the beginning you should get the usual.






Because of his GREAT attack speed, you should definitely get some lifesteal.


You could also not buy anything in the beginning and get a courier.


Then go to your lane and gather 900gold, buy a icon.jpg

and start jungling right away.


Use your courier to get your items to you.


When you got enough gold you'll need icon.jpg.

Then the items you MUST get are these:



If they gank you while you're jungling you can escape.

Also you can chase people with this skill.



Lifesteal is an absolute necessity for Troll.

Later you can also get a icon.jpg or even a




Some extra attack speed, a lot of damage, and a HIGH chance of doing +100 damage because your attack speed it CRAZY.



Other items you can get:



If you see a caster, and you want to kill him, you go to attack him and some guy stuns / slows you.

Then you just die, because you didn't have the chance to attack him.


Well you can get BKB and simply kill both the slower, the stunner, the caster and whoever attacks you.

5s are more than enough for you to kill a caster with 1.5k HP.



You can get this for even more attack speed, and -armor, but you will reveal yourself if you're invisible.



If you have troll and have lifesteal, BKB and Butterfly, you can wipe out the whole enemy team in 8s.






If you've got fast enemies and can't chase them buy this.




Can help with some extra STR in the beginning, and also the attack speed bonus is great.



Items to avoid.




Doesn't stack with your bash.



I've seen a lot of people buying it, but IMO it sucks on Troll.

You can get much better items with the same gold.



Best Allies:


Any stunner is a great ally, because he can make your target not move, so since your attack speed is crazy, you'll definitely bash him, and kill him.






Another great ally is icon.gif

with his skill-0.gif and troll even the greatest tanks will die in 3s max.


Also icon.gif is a great ally because of skill-1.gif.



Best enemies:


Anyone with low HP is raw meat against Troll.








Worst Enemies: Noone is really a great enemy against Troll...

Except maybe icon.jpg

or icon.gif.



Lane Control:


Always solo at the beginning.


Don't let anyone else come with you.


When you get to lvl 6 you can go jungling and someone else can take your place, but at the beginning you must be left alone.


Since you're ranged you must do the following to push your lane effectively:


Don't lose a single creep.

You're ranged, so that allows you to easily Deny / Last hit any creeps.


If your opponent is a melee, keep harassing him.


When he tries to deny / last hit a creep focus on killing the creep first, and then hit him once as he runs back.


If your opponent is ranged too, I recommend that you stay close to your creeps.

About 300 range.

So your attacks will get to the creeps faster than your opponents.

Also if your opponent tries to come closer to harass you, you can back off.


When you get to lvl 6 it is best recommended to start jungling.


You CAN start jungling from previous levels, but that includes some risk.

If you're on low hp and the enemy team knows you're jungling then they might come after you.





General comments:


With troll, you can beat anyone.

If there's a stunner in your team and you've got BKB he won't be able to do anything.


You can start ganks, escape easily (with lothar's), chase and kill anyone.


Don't forget about the fog.


If someone chases you, use the fog so that he'll lose you.






OK, so that was my guide about Troll.


Credits go 100% to me.


If you have any comments, or any suggestions feel free to add them.


Have fun pwning with Troll. =D





Edited once to add Lane Control.


why helm of dominator AND vlad's?



btw i hate troll xD i can't stand him :/


prolly should give him another try

It says you that you can choose between  vlad , satanic and MOM .....

Vlad is rejected Item


It says you that you can choose between  vlad , satanic and MOM .....

Vlad is rejected Item





he says items you MUST get...


he keeps saying also which means a build with two orbs...





he says items you MUST get...


he keeps saying also which means a build with two orbs...


I said you must buy Vlad's, or MoM, or even Satanic (if you can afford it).


+ Vlad's an aura, it stacks with MoM, or any other lifesteal effects.


No strategy guide ! No nothing. Wrong Pros N Cons & more.


I've got comments on every skill and item.


What's wrong with pros and cons? :S




Can kill anyone in early, mid and late game. - Absolutely not true!

Can escape easily. - MAYBE!

Has high Movespeed with his 1st skill. - what?

Can jungle from lvl 1. - not really



Low HP. - yes

If you feed at the beginning everyone will kill you. - yes its a late gammer

100% item dependent. - not always.



no strategy guide mate.



Can kill anyone in early, mid and late game. - Absolutely not true!

Can escape easily. - MAYBE!

Has high Movespeed with his 1st skill. - what?

Can jungle from lvl 1. - not really



Low HP. - yes

If you feed at the beginning everyone will kill you. - yes its a late gammer

100% item dependent. - not always.



no strategy guide mate.



Why can't he kill anyone in early, mid and late game?


He is not a late game char only.


When you enable your first skill, you get + 20 movespeed. If it's lvl 4 you get + 30 movespeed.

That's like having BoT. So if you get BoT too it's like having a Yasha.

Also if you think you can't catch someone but he'll die with 1 hit you turn to ranged and do 1 shot from range.


Can escape easily. With lothar's..... without lothar's he's still faster from 1st skill, and if he hasn't enabled it he'll be attacking from range, so still easy escape.


He is NOTHING without items.

But even not so good items make him a good char.


Can jungle from lvl 1. Once he gathers 900 gold he can buy lifesteal.

So, say you start with 800.

You buy a courier, and then just gather 300 gold by killing the lower lvl neutrals.

Get the lifesteal and start killing everything.

With 1st and 3rd skill neutrals are nothing.



What strategy?

He has no specific strategy.

It's not like Rylai. (Slow, use BKB , blink and ulti) or something like that.

It's enable BKB if you got stunners / slowers, and just wipe them all.


PS: I'll add lane control if you want, 'cause that's something the guide really needs.

But besides that I don't believe there is something this guide doesn't have.



Why can't he kill anyone in early, mid and late game?


He is not a late game char only.


When you enable your first skill, you get + 20 movespeed. If it's lvl 4 you get + 30 movespeed.

That's like having BoT. So if you get BoT too it's like having a Yasha.

Also if you think you can't catch someone but he'll die with 1 hit you turn to ranged and do 1 shot from range.


Can escape easily. With lothar's..... without lothar's he's still faster from 1st skill, and if he hasn't enabled it he'll be attacking from range, so still easy escape.


He is NOTHING without items.

But even not so good items make him a good char.


Can jungle from lvl 1. Once he gathers 900 gold he can buy lifesteal.

So, say you start with 800.

You buy a courier, and then just gather 300 gold by killing the lower lvl neutrals.

Get the lifesteal and start killing everything.

With 1st and 3rd skill neutrals are nothing.



What strategy?

He has no specific strategy.

It's not like Rylai. (Slow, use BKB , blink and ulti) or something like that.

It's enable BKB if you got stunners / slowers, and just wipe them all.


PS: I'll add lane control if you want, 'cause that's something the guide really needs.

But besides that I don't believe there is something this guide doesn't have.


and why have you got 3 lifesteal items and 2 orbs?


How can he jungle from lvl 1 with his 400-500 hp ?

He's not even close to a early game hero. He's only late gamer.  


Still your  guide is inperfect. There always is character strategy i want a full ugide not a guide where you get bored on the main part and say "nah he has no strategy" and just leave it at that. For example This is a complete Troll WArlord guide - yours, NOT!


How can he jungle from lvl 1 with his 400-500 hp ?

He's not even close to a early game hero. He's only late gamer. 


Still your  guide is inperfect. There always is character strategy i want a full ugide not a guide where you get bored on the main part and say "nah he has no strategy" and just leave it at that.


I prefer sitting on my lane till I gather the 900 g and then I go jungling. It's better , easier and safer in my opinion


let me comment and no judge for this time.


1)i disagree with escape specialism.every1 with lothars becomes an escape artist.passively troll doesnt have any escaping skill so he is not an escaper

2)about high movement 1st skill i just lol'ed :) thats impossible cuz it doesnt happen

3)about items.


i)i love BoTs(since you are a farmer you ll need to travel around the map in order to assist DPS or farm)+that his passive grant him 30% AS xD treads will just boost it minor

ii)i could use satanic as an orb LS effect

iii)Buriza for crits

iv)MKB for DPS

v)and a HoT for STR and HP recovery

the last slot is your choice depending your enemies and needs.


last comment :) honestly i wouldnt go lothars ^^ such dps with crits especially on melee stance its almost impossible to fall.dunno maybe im wrong :D ;D but i doubt that when you get ganged by 2 or 3 you wont step in a stun initiaror enemy.you wont press lothars in time imo :)

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