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[Guide]Terroblade,The Soul Keeper

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Okey guys let's start as the title says i will talk about terroblade




Hero Introduction


The Soul Keeper has one of the most feared growth potentials of all. While initially weak, if left unchecked he can come back to slaughter his enemies with ease. His ability to Soul Steal allows him to slowly siphon life from one target to himself. To aid in his physical prowess, Terrorblade can Metamorphosis into the powerful demon hunter, gaining a ranged attack and additional life. He can also Conjure Images to deceive or simply unleash upon his enemies. Some have questioned his mortality, as he can Sunder to swap his current health with that of someone robust and lively, essentially escaping death, and sending someone close to their own.


Hero's Story


Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolize his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.



You can kill really fast

terrorblade is a late player but when it goes late then you can kill absolutely every1

doesn't die easy if you play smart

Heal your self in the start -mid easy with your soul steal


If you don't know to play with hotkeys don't try to play

Really but really late game hero

You are a big feeder in the start so watch out

If you don't use ur ulti fast you get balls

You can't really chase some1 in the start

No passives you gotta press fast the hotkeys


The skills of terroblade and my comments


1.Soul Steal [E]


Strangles the soul of a target enemy unit and extracts bits and pieces of it.



Level 1 - Absorbs 20 hit points per second.

Level 2 - Absorbs 40 hit points per second.

Level 3 - Absorbs 60 hit points per second.

Level 4 - Absorbs 80 hit points per second.


Soul steal is a great skill for ur survival

You can use at the start on the creeps + when you got weak heros that don't make you big damage at all,

just stay there and use steal their soul!


2.Conjure Image [C]


Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals damage.


Level 1 - Images deal 25% damage.

Level 2 - Images deal 35% damage.

Level 3 - Images deal 45% damage.

Level 4 - Images deal 55% damage.


Yes you got it!

That skill makes an illusion/image of your self and deals great dmg though it dies pretty easy

Good to use it while you are on Metamorphosis

It's duration is enough to made 2+urself illusions and pwn!


3.Metamorphosis [T]



Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a 550 ranged attack.


Level 1 - Lasts 30 seconds.

Level 2 - Lasts 40 seconds, 50 bonus hit points.

Level 3 - Lasts 50 seconds, 100 bonus hit points.

Level 4 - Lasts 60 seconds, 150 bonus hit points.


Metamorphosis is a great skill

it can make you really powerfull

use it wise in combination with your ulti

make ulti use metamorphosis then an illusion and you deal great dmg


4.Sunder [R]



Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls. Some hit points must remain on enemy heroes.



Level 1 - Range of cast is 250, 33% hit point minimum remaining on enemy hero

Level 2 - Range of cast is 250, 28% hit point minimum remaining on enemy hero

Level 3 - Range of cast is 250, 23% hit point minimum remaining on enemy hero


Well that's skill which i really love coz it's really funny and you can kill an enemy for fun

There are many strategies to play with

first is that you can lose your hp on creeps then use ur ulti and kill ur enemy  in combination with metamorphosis

second is when many hit you use ur ulti make fast an illusion and just run or kill them!!!


Skill Build


1.Soul Steal


3.Soul Steal


5.Soul Steal


7.Soul Steal

8.Conjure Image




12.Conjure Image

13.Conjure Image

14.Conjure Image














Depending on ur enemies you can use another skill build


Item build

zm1vgi.jpg OR 2yn10eg.jpg

You can either play with treads if you got meele enemies or if you got range use BoT to chase them



Attack speed and agility on you would be ideal!

as it get's late game and you farm you become unkillable



Increasing your attack speed and your armor + - armor for ur enemies is great on you



Although you don't have much hp a hot would be great coz it will increase plus the reg is cool





Cool with combination of ulti





as you hit pretty fast it would be great but be carefull



if you need that seconds for a reason feel free to buy it



as far as you use illusions it would be great


Rejected Items



you don't make criticals so it wouldn't be a good idea



you are not a tank,simply don't use it



Suddenly we use s&y so just stay at vlads



gives you dmg and reg but is not such needable

Good Allies

Stunners like




Worst Enemies

Damage Dealers



Lane Control

Solo down or up would be perfect because as i told you in the start you are big feeder

Though being down or up with a mate wouldn't be bad

But remember don't use the middle lane



How to play:

Avoid trying to kill ppl in the start because you gonna die

Remember you are a late game hero

So what you do you do when having low hp is just using metamorphosis and use ulti fast

remember it's easy to die so care


When you are full hp just use metamorphosis and conjure image and attacK!!!!!!!!


When you are going to die cast ulti make an image and if they are many just run 4 your life


The End of the guide


Sorry for the edit i forgot how to play



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Not a complete guide. I want a fully explained complete guide with a full explanation regarding the hero and the gameplay with it. For example what do we do in start in mid and in late game. etc.etc.etc.

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trick for terrorblade...


make lothars.

go to roshan and slow down your hp.

press lothars an go to one hero and spam your ultimate.


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Yes geo right..you put vladimir icon on sange&yasha


I don't like terrorblade so much i prefer traxex,spiritbraker, or abbadon...terror blade can be beat easy...with a lot of heroes,but depend from player to player

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i don't know i press save and it doesn't +

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Do a restart to your client :(mozilla)

Doesn't work and again

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what does it say?


send me a pm in what you want to edit i will edit it ;)

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