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[Event] DotA Contest v2 Do your best and win some Karma! [6.62-b]

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Hello Maxcheaters!

I am proud to announce the beginning of the Dota Guides Event! The contest starts today 04.09.2009 and it will end on 15.09.2009!


How to compete !


In order to compete in this Event you'll have to simply make a guide about the map [dota] or simply . make a full explained SELF MADE guide on your favorite hero or on the hero your best with.




*Every guide MUST include a tag [Dota Contest] tag before the name so we can recognize weather it's a guide that's here to compete or not.


*Once again the guide must be self-made! Believe me if you try to copy-paste a guide you'll not only loose the chance to participate ever again to our contests but you'll also gain -1 karma!


*The guide MUST include pictures for the better understanding of it.


*The guide should  ONLY contain ENGLISH language and it should be at decent level , because after all how are we going to understand if the english isn't good ? :)


*The Hero statistics should match the ones from the latest DotA map


*The guide should include a replay of you playing the hero [not neccesserily]


*2 Entries per person


*A guide can be edited maximum of 3 times and every time you edit leave a post with what exactly you edited so we can check your edit!




#Every Complete Guide wins a karma.

#Every Complete Guide wins a place in the sticky topic along with the creator of it.

#And if you really impress us you might win a step furder to becoming an uploader .

#The Best Guide will win a event-medal.










So now that everything is clear the contest can begin!



Let the best guides, WIN!


PS: For any questions related to the contest make a reply with your wonder.

PS2: If your guide is better than an already shared one and the previous guide is posted in the sticky topic we will replace it with your guide but only if it's better.

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You forgot to tell about the event-medal :D

The Guide should Have:

General . stats,story etc

Skills,Skill Build + Justification.

Item Builds + altenative + rejected + Justifications

Pros & cons

Allies & Bad enemies

Lane Control


etc :D

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what about copies?

*Once again the guide must be self-made! Believe me if you try to copy-paste a guide you'll not only loose the chance to participate ever again to our contests but you'll also gain -1 karma!




check my guide :) hope u like it



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what about copies?


*Once again the guide must be self-made! Believe me if you try to copy-paste a guide you'll not only loose the chance to participate ever again to our contests but you'll also gain -1 karma!

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Contest ended all participants will gain karma. No grand prize willl be given due lack of activity of this event. Since they were no interests in this contest another one of this kind may not be done again.

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