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Ok so it seems as if you guy's just like to steal donations. I show my donation transcript. I'm told "you are american" well wtf does me being American have to do with anything? is this site Racist?

rest assured that site doesnt need to "steal"your 7 euros to survive neither we ever did
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"rest assured that site doesnt need to steal" That site is.. THIS SITE.


You do not state anywhere that the donation's here are only good to use for a few months. The donating EULA says Life Time Membership. I donated. Proved it. SO where is my -beep-ing membership mother fuckers?



Edit: Notice this is the first time I've used any profanity?

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"rest assured that site doesnt need to steal" That site is.. THIS SITE.


You do not state anywhere that the donation's here are only good to use for a few months. The donating EULA says Life Time Membership. I donated. Proved it. SO where is my -beep-ing membership mother -beep-ers?



Edit: Notice this is the first time I've used any profanity?

You may be right,but I'm just curious about why this only happened to you.

Why when I donated 10 seconds later I was a platinum member...

Anyway -1 karma for insulting the staff.

I smell a rat on your story,and if there's nothing wrong and you proved it I don't think that Maxtor has any reason to steal your money.

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"rest assured that site doesnt need to steal" That site is.. THIS SITE.


You do not state anywhere that the donation's here are only good to use for a few months. The donating EULA says Life Time Membership. I donated. Proved it. SO where is my -beep-ing membership mother -beep-ers?



Edit: Notice this is the first time I've used any profanity?


i dont have any reason to steal anyone. System Donation is automatic.

User banned for insulting.

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Site has been reported to *link removed* by 15 people so far. Anyone else with a donation complaint needs to file a complaint at the above URL! All complaint's are forwarded to the Forgin Allience Of Internet Security for sites that are outside of US Territory!


You exceed every limit of retardness kid.

Before you -beep-in report the site learn some things so you don't act like a wannabe FBI Agent.

When you donate,you expect nothing in return,it's written in the rules too,it's just the site that grands you some extra privileges...

Becoming a platinum/donator is not a right,is a privilege that may be taken away even if you abuse the perms it grants you...

So you can't report the site...you just donated,you know what DONATE means?D-O-N-A-T-E.

# contribution: a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause
# contribution: act of giving in common with others for a common purpose especially to a charity

You see what it says?VOLUNTARY,you do it and you don't expect anything in return.

Have fun kiddo.


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I will donate too.I think that a forum like Max Cheaters deserves to be "alive".Many people can make their playtime easier(by cheats exploits etc.),many of us can download software that is not sharing to other forums(like l2 gracia final and many others)...You should to know that having a webhosting site is not so easy as it seems.Adminitrators paying every month to keep it online and we all can make something for it.Maxtor i will pm you soon to make me a Lifetime Platinum member  :)

Keep up the good work guys as you know it better than anyone!Congz for the uploads and programms you share with us,for the advises that you give to all and for your instructions that you giving to all of us!

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