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How many times have you been banned?


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I'm not joking... He was on Spellhowler class and had no augments and i had full augments with necro class ;)

then u were too corrupted 0xaxa
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Well..i didn't count them =P but it was mostly for using BUGs that GM couldn't fix bcus they were little kids..so i got banned from kid GM's..also i have been recently banned bcus i put my name same as a gm's and took temporarly GM status from Admin..(Kids) :)

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wowoww :D:DD  nice topic....: D


i think every my server adventures ended with ban...:D alwyas there was something..... last days whole my clan got banned on l2toxic cos we pwnd server so hard that Admin had to ban us w/o reson. .....><  also that is why i hate private servers...

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