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[Request] Interlude Multiskills/Stucksub server.


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-Easy farm

-Fast level

-No jedi enchants meaning that i don't want +5 safe + 30 max chance 75%.

Preferable enchant rates above 80%  Maximum enchant not more than 25.

-Lagless server.



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21 viwes 0 responses . Guys the tittle clearly says whats the topic about so if you're thinking of entering it enter it but have a multi skill or stucksub server to advertise me. I made this comment for the reason of bumping the topic. Make it quick.

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(Read 43 times) and 1 repleyXD

so that don't work:p

i made post also:)

check mine :)

its L][Mafia

and L][GM

suck both if you ask me :P


you just request i answer I give you the server i knw if suck is your problem .... if you don't like them :S

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