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[guide] right dyes for any class

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this is my correction to this guide:



the guide itself is nice and usefull but the dyes setups for the classes is in my opinion wrong. So here my pvp-dye setups:




Archmage - WIT+/MEN-,INT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-

Soultaker - WIT+/MEN-,INT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-

Arcana Lord - WIT+/INT-, MEN+/INT-,CON+/STR- (arcana lord dont need int)

Cardinal - WIT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-,DEX+/STR-

Hierophant - WIT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-,DEX+/STR-

Dreadnought - for PVE str+ and dex+ (see that u get vamp range or a skilled healer)

                    for PVP no dyes.

Duelist - STR+/DEX- or no dyes

Phoenix Knight - for tanking and mass pvp (castle siege): dex+, con+. for olympiad or 1on1 str+, dex+ because you have 1 min and 15 seconds UD and you won't get dmg in that time. means that u dont need a lot of hp.

Hell Knight - for tanking and mass pvp (castle siege): dex+, con+. for olympiad or 1on1 str+, dex+ because you have 1 min and 15 seconds UD and you won't get dmg in that time. means that u dont need a lot of hp.

Adventurer - CON+/STR-,DEX+/STR-

Saggitarius - I don't use dyes on Saggi...



Mystic Muse - WIT+/MEN-,INT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-

Elemental Master - WIT+/INT-, CON+/STR-, MEN+/INT-

Eva's Saint - Same as Cardinal.

Eva's Temple - for tanking and mass pvp (castle siege): dex+, con+. for olympiad or 1on1 str+, dex+ because you have 1 min and 15 seconds UD and you won't get dmg in that time. means that u dont need a lot of hp.

Sword Muse - DEX+/STR- [CON+/STR-] (u have low p atck, but high runspeed and atack speed. use always a bow and hit and run. in mass pvp use song of silence)

Wind Rider - Same as Adventurer.

Moonlight Sentinel - I don't use dyes.


Dark Elf

Storm Screamer - Same as SoulTaker.

Spectral Master - WIT+/MEN-, INT+/MEN-, CON+/STR-

Shilien Saint - Same as Evas Saint.

Shilien Templar - for tanking and mass pvp (castle siege): dex+, con+. for olympiad or 1on1 str+, dex+ because you have 1 min and 15 seconds UD and you won't get dmg in that time. means that u dont need a lot of hp.

Spectral Dancer - no dyes or STR+/DEX-

Ghost Hunter - DEX+/STR-,CON+/STR-

Ghost Sentinel - no dyes



Titan - no dyes or if you can prefrenzy/preguts use dex+2 con-2

Grand Khauatari - STR+4/DEX-4 CON+4/DEX-4, CON+1/DEX-1

Dominator - WIT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-

Doomcryer - WIT+/MEN-,CON+/STR-



Fortunee Seeker -no dyes

Maestro - no dyes



Trickster - DEX+2/CON-2

Doombringer - STR+/CON-

Soul Hound - no idea =O


if you have questions, feel free to ask and to discuss.

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Why dwarfs without dyes? I would give them +str-con because they have a lot of hp and very weak damage ;)


con is the onliest usefull thing they have. they need it to outrun the enemies MP before they are dead. so I would rather increase then decrease it.

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Trickster - DEX+2/CON-2

Doombringer - STR+/CON-

Soul Hound - no idea =O


for soulhound if you will play like nuker WIT+ INT-

and if you wanna play like fighter CON+/STR- cuz the skills you make make a lot of dmg

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in my experience its a bad idea to decrease con on light armor classes because of stun.


That is true. Than again i do believe that it also depends on the server. F.e take some jedi server where you have 20k HP on archer decreasing it wont do bad. Infact it will do good as you will increase f.e what archers really need and thats atk speed.

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what do you mean right ? for pvp or pve? there is a big difference. Example -


Adventurer - CON+/STR-,DEX+/STR- (This would be great for pvp )


Adventurer - STR+/CON-,DEX+/CON- (And that for pve )


And if you are smart, and play on l2j. you can Make an additional -  MEN+/INT- on Fighter ^^

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