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[AiO]Duals For IL HB and CT2.3 By Francisko

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Hi Everyone Again:


Well As I Promess, Here Are The AiODuals For Interlude, HellBound And Gracia Final Clients.








Gracia Final




Well This It's All Folks xD!


C Ya And Take Care.

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  • 4 months later...

-.-" are you kidding me? :S

i tested duals for ct2.3 and its same as vesper one :S

i still didn't test these aio duals but i think that u didn't add xml for effects or u have to edit xml file for these aio duals,them look like vesper duals as u say but will have effects for buffer or whatever u want:)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

When i open weapon.grp with file edit and i add custom weapon txt and when i save i get an error (...localhost/temp and bla bla...) wtf  should i do ?? 


          if anyone knows how to solve this problem please answer me!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When i open weapon.grp with file edit and i add custom weapon txt and when i save i get an error (...localhost/temp and bla bla...) wtf  should i do ?? 


          if anyone knows how to solve this problem please answer me!!!

i have this error too!
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