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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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yes i know how to install an OS ... i am searching for site s for programs i mean like winrar music players and the classic shits :D


ubuntu support photoshop? ^_^

No, it doesn't support photoshop but it has GIMP as built-in photo editor(same as photoshop).


As for other programs, it already has many but if you don't find the one that you need you can use synaptic package manager or its 'program explorer' or even use the terminal.





in terminal, for rar:

sudo apt-get install unrar-free



enjoy the free world!

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i want this one.


What i must do?

i am kinda newbie in ubuntu.

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i want this one.


What i must do?

i am kinda newbie in ubuntu.

just run it with wine it works fine

although i had small fps on CSS but you can try nexuiz,it's fine

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i want this one.


What i must do?

i am kinda newbie in ubuntu.

http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=98217.0 for cs1.6



about the fps, you can try disabling compiz and enabling metacity.

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