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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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fight on enemy topic ; niah isn't a good field for us


All of you can speak English, whereas only I can speak Greek.

Plus that you are x5 times more than us.


I would like to flame Coyote. He is so annoying to me. =)


Go on :D

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You can speak English, whereas only I can speak Greek.

Plus that you are x5 times more than us.


You clearly know that from lang to lang is way different the way we express. Plus the number doesn't count even one can beat five , if he can use correctly the way of expression =)

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cuz we have grisom, and you know you would get pwned. :D


Cowardice :D


You clearly know that from lang to lang is way different the way we express. Plus the number doesn't count even one can beat five , if he can use correctly the way of expression =)


We've seen such examples thousands of times.

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