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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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dont mind


Hes just a retarded person whose ass got hurt from his ban

i just freak out coz he talk for 1 Great Country like that we are the country of education and no Respect today from none!

but is not only that we help Albania coz they dont have many army at 1941-1944 for take our Country back from Italians 3 times! and we have the priv. to keep Albania coz we ''conq'' Albania but we are Humans and we give them Albania Back and thats the thanks today..ok i understand is a stupid kid with out history education other Albanians know what we do for them and they Respect us.

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American forum - You ask and get an answer.

Armen forum - You ask and get asked.

MaxCheaters - You ask and you get 50 posts explaining how stupid and dumb you are.


Isn't it true?


Its not true, some times you get 100 posts :D (btw american forums are worst than mxc, i dont know which forum did you visit rofl.)

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i thought hon is harder than dota, apparently its easier lol

And much better :D Graphics rock and gameplay too.I am extremely bored of DotA but not for HoN =D

Anyway byez, time for english lesson.3 hours lmao..

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