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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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obviously you or any1 else would do the same.it is his server so he tries to advertise it via his own forum. ::) 8)


yes thats true but everyone get threatend with bann when say a server is a failure?i guess no :)

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yes thats true but everyone get threatend with bann when say a server is a failure?i guess no :)

depends the case


just dont overreact...even if you have 1000 rights you lose them all by continuing

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yes i said no when you promoted from nothing Franks friend to l2mod yes and i also said no when you started the l2j project with spooknof and lets see what else i did


i was actually the most active l2jdev i made a lot of request to make the forum better(if you remember who said the idea to make a poll about a promo after you promoted guys for money to gold) and lets see i was the one who said ok i do a project for your forum to keep the users here and you dont did anything...


and by the when i said something pointless?just give me an example and yes your server will fail as DreaM would say face facts they use java and they will make a better server because they have what you and your buddy dont logical thinking and the ability to adapt good things


Frank is now history, and besides, i wasnt wrong, he didnt make any mistakes with his permissions. about spooknof, he is ok as a person, but failure to cooporate with him or even trust him .


Now about new server, as a staff you should know , and encourage people to join MXC , not to force them and tell them lies .

If you like l2j more than l2off keep it your self, but not here. understand?

and btw l2mxc is NOT developed by me, its from manton, who is expert in L2Off servers , and c++. If you dont like him , then go to l2jarchid and cry there .

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Now about new server, as a staff you should know , and encourage people to join MXC

i play l2 from c3 i have joined and played in thousants of servers i want to see goodjob at that server and i am waiting for this and i will encourage my friends to join

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q: could nicolas cage make you laugh at 6am?

a: yes if its in grisoms post rofl ^^


i dont care about your comments. you are always NO NO NO NO ... and crying crying.


you have a lot of tolerance.. i suppose you need it when it comes to running mxc/kindergarten.

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V for Velocity > Vi Veri Veniversum Vinus Vici

F ur life XD


Question.. why did intrepid got demoted? anyone know what happend last night? cus i was at uni >< afterwords home -> bed -> nini

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F ur life XD


Question.. why did intrepid got demoted? anyone know what happend last night? cus i was at uni >< afterwords home -> bed -> nini


Read my reply in hidden.

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and btw l2mxc is NOT developed by me, its from manton, who is expert in L2Off servers , and c++. If you dont like him , then go to l2jarchid and cry there .

aww thats gonna end bad ><

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hes too good for a l2j dev.. just makes flame spam and bitchez to nabs.. so it was his descision to seal his powers....

and if you ask me.. now he can continue without feeling obligated to help ppl instead aswell..

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hes too good for a l2j dev.. just makes flame spam and bitchez to nabs.. so it was his descision to seal his powers....

and if you ask me.. now he can continue without feeling obligated to help ppl instead aswell..


nope i just dont help brainless ppl and i dont want l2 die so i try to make ppl start a server with decent l2j or l2jfree pack not with 2year old packs or with preconf pack or stuff like that and yes after you answer daily 50-60 request like "me iz nub make me srv plix pl0x" its hard to keep your temper :)

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Until the day you @Intrepid, create a server and reach over 1 000 community you'll have the right to come here and say " Yes, I was RIGHT" Until that day you have the right to remain silenced cuz you're making a fool out of yourself trying to proove how bad interlude is i'll say it once more you're just like an Error, if you don't remove it it will keep saying the same thing all over and over again based on the innability to solve the problem.

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nope i just dont help brainless ppl and i dont want l2 die so i try to make ppl start a server with decent l2j or l2jfree pack not with 2year old packs or with preconf pack or stuff like that and yes after you answer daily 50-60 request like "me iz nub make me srv plix pl0x" its hard to keep your temper :)


nope? as i said... you dont like to deal with nabs and as you say.. you lose your temper.. it pretty much ends there, im not sure why you help if it only leads to flame though.. and if i was you id be happy to have any rank left.. as it seems maxtor has a different perception of what a mature staff member looks like..

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Until the day you @Intrepid, create a server and reach over 1 000 community you'll have the right to come here and say " Yes, I was RIGHT" Until that day you have the right to remain silenced cuz you're making a fool out of yourself trying to proove how bad interlude is i'll say it once more you're just like an Error, if you don't remove it it will keep saying the same thing all over and over again based on the innability to solve the problem.


actually my demote request and interlude have nothing to do with eachother you have one opinion about interlude i have another depends on tastes

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