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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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Damn i have got AC 1 but got bored of it. ANd i have no money to buy AC 2 :(

AC2 Just rox.I am in chapter 7!I can spoil it for you till then.

By the way I haven't played AC1.Who will spoil this forum me?

I knew it!


>_>  <_<

Cool slogan huh?

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I will pm you couple of times on msn so You won't have a reason to ban me here :P


I knew that you'd like it dirty biatch..

BTW french lesson bye...

Spoil ac 1 for me please...PM me with the story!

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I have got only AC1 which i have borrowed from one friend. No money to buy games. So the ps3 is alone at the corner of my room. T_T


"Borrow" one from a friend >_>

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"Borrow" one from a friend >_>


Not from the same for sure because i have already borrowed from him:


1 PS2 game

1 PS3 game

10 Euros to eat

2 notebooks to c/p some exercises of ancient greek





I have to find someone who has many ps3 games

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