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Chronicle 1 Client Mirrors.

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F*cking lol C1 server :P I have already the C1 client, from when i was playing on official...


Yihaaaaaaaaaaaa ^^


Btw, do you believe that the old bugs will still exist?? Cool old C1 times ;D

[me=killer_007]Searching in my backups, i will join there ASAP![/me]

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no seriously , i loved C1 , there was a tons of exploits available..


lol .. why u like c1 ? c1 sux lol




ONTOPIC: I could not open filefront links from those you gave here. I had to go l2gold website and open from there.


These links should work:

Lineage II C1 Part 1

Lineage II C1 Part 2


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