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[GR]Δημιουργία Installers Με το WinRaR (any version)!


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kalispera mages.

merikoi apo esas (masterdisaster & gerero) mou zitisate gia to pws boreite na dhmiourgisete installers

poLLoi nomizoun oti to winrar einai mono gia sibiesi kai aposibiesi omws dn einai mono auto :)

as 3ekinisoume loipon..

Anigoume WinRaR. Egw 8a xrhsimopoihsw tin ekdosh 4.0.

Afou exete ta arxeia pou 8elete na egkatastisei o installer sas patiste crtl + a = epilogh oLwn


edw einai auto pou exw kanei egw gia to photoshop section. afou ta ta exete epiLe3ei oLa

patiste sibiesh (panw aristera)

sthn synexeia 8a sas anoi3ei auto to para8iro

width=1024 height=768http://i32.tinypic.com/2ib2hdi.jpg[/img]

epile3te to koutaki me tin epilogi "auto-aposibiezomeno (sfx)"

width=1024 height=768http://i28.tinypic.com/e9sua0.jpg[/img]

sthn synexeia proxwriste sto "Proxwrimenes"

k epiLe3te to "epiloges sfx"

width=1024 height=768http://i31.tinypic.com/1051c7r.jpg[/img]

8a sas peta3ei s auto to para8iro

width=1024 height=768http://i25.tinypic.com/2pozl9t.jpg[/img]

edw twra vazete pou 8elete o installer sas na aposibiesei auta pou "kouvaLaei"

boreite me ena enable sto 1 koutaki ("na dhmiourgi8ei sto 'Program Files' ") na to aposibiesete sto program files ma me auto 8a kerdisete ena berdema kai mono

egw 8a epiLe3w to "Na dhmiourgh8ei sto trexon fakeLo" vazontas kai tin topo8esia..

width=1024 height=768http://i32.tinypic.com/2ewhaug.jpg[/img]

p.x. c:\program files\mxc

kai automata 8a mou dhmiourgisei enan fakelo me onoma mxc (efoson egkatastisw auta pou prepei) stin 8esi c:\program files\

width=1024 height=768http://i31.tinypic.com/xm5348.jpg[/img]

proxwriste sto "keimeno kai eikonidia"

width=1024 height=768http://i25.tinypic.com/9i6y4l.jpg[/img]

vaLte enan titlo sto koutaki No1 to opoio 8a einai kai o titlos oLokLhrou t installer sas

sto koutaki no2 epiLe3te to keimeno pou 8a periexei o installer sas gia pLhrofories h' oti aLLo 8elete eseis.

koutaki no3 to logotupo sas (Logo)

8a einai kaLa na xrhsimopoihsete tis diastaseis 93x302 pixels wste na einai opws eceis to 8elete

koutaki no4 to icon pou 8a exei i sintomeush sas.

width=1024 height=768http://i28.tinypic.com/snord1.jpg[/img]

boreite kaLista na dhmiourgisete to diko sas icon to mono pou exete na kanete einai na dhmiourgisete mia eikona 60x60 pixels apo8ikeumenh ws *.png

meta phgainete edw kai anevaste tin png eikona sas. Sthn synexeia patiste convert kai i png eikona sas egine *.ico

afou sigoureuteite oti oLa eginan wraia patiste Ok kai sthn synexeia paLi ok. Periemenete ews otou teLeiwsei i dhmiourgia t installer sas!

Auto htan loipon..





8a sas dei3w pws boreite na kanete merika koLpakia me tous installer sas!

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pragmatika pisteua pos mono gia simbiesi kai aposimbiesi itan to Win! poli kalo to guide s kai to aksizei to +1 pisteuo!

to i3era oti to pisteues :)

gia auto kai to anafera parapanw..

O Strike ksanaktipa! Br4vo poli kalo Guide an kai to ikera ;)

opws lene kai ta 2 title..

I'M BaCk

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to i3era oti to pisteues :)

gia auto kai to anafera parapanw..opws lene kai ta 2 title..

I'M BaCk

You are back better than ever :P

Anyway ta spaei to guide apo mia grigori matia p t eri3a...Dn exw polu xrono k an ktlv kl ginetai se morfi 7zip right???

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You are back better than ever :P

Anyway ta spaei to guide apo mia grigori matia p t eri3a...Dn exw polu xrono k an ktlv kl ginetai se morfi 7zip right???

n0pe :)

sfx= ekteLesimo programa = *.exe

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  • 2 months later...

katapliktiko guide :D

dn eixa skeftei pote oti ginetai etsi na ftiakseis installer ^_^



EDIT: gia kapio logo :


1)dn m exei to name p ebala alla t fakelou p eixa tous fakelous p ebala ston installer

2)m bgazei security risk to norton k meta to diagrafei


ekana ego kati i etsi to bgazei???


EDIT: to ksanadokimasa k dn eixa problem

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