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GvE banned Greece.


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I don't know man it is not my server,it is their,so they can do whaterever they want....if they dont want greece to participate it is their right....

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GvE will run out of donations soon :) It seems that you are doing good, but when there will be only a few people online, and as long as there are much better servers (personally, i believe that echokinetics pwns) (or that GvE from Canada, i don't like the playstyle, but they are full of people all the time), you won't have a looooong future ^^


At the rest, i believe the same as thanos47, you decide, ;) You created such a wonderful PvP system, why don't you create an auto ban system? You need to do that?


Some Greeks are noobs, yeah, most of l2 players here are 10 years old, and when they see the tag <<exploit>> they think... <<OMFG YEAH I WILL PWN YOU>> and they don't even read the comments or they don't use their mind EVEN A LITTLE... I would do the same if i were you, trust me :P But i wanna play, and i think that i'm better than these children, so wtf?


www.echokinetics.com lvl 74 TH cya there... (when they update to interlude hihihihi :P)

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This is not a good choice for a professional and public server.That's my opinion.I personally know many GOOD greek players...this is not a solution...anyway...his/their(I don't care who) decision...


I used to be and I am STILL a Fan of this server...can't play,unfortunately,that's unfair I think....PFFFFFFF  >:(

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Ade kai egine i ellines na mporoun na mpenoun dn 8a drapis na mpis ston server tou.. Egw nai pantos gt autoi i m@l@k3s mas e8apsa me auta pou eipane kai to exi ma8i olos GvE

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Ade kai egine i ellines na mporoun na mpenoun dn 8a drapis na mpis ston server tou.. Egw nai pantos gt autoi i m@l@k3s mas e8apsa me auta pou eipane kai to exi ma8i olos GvE

re eleos afou leei oti olos o server itan ellines ,pou omos kaneis den ekane donate. Me liga logia dld o server einai adeios :P

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[GR] Den thelw na vrizeste edw mesa alliws tha faei pali lock. Pera apo to gegonos oti o sess exei arketo dikio se oti leei sxetika me tin siberifora twn ellinwn (oxi ollwn fysika), prepei na katalavete kai na apodextheite pws o o GvE einai enas idiwtikos server! Ara kanei oti goustarei me ton server tou. Den exei se kanenan ypoxrewsi oute xrwstaei se kanenan.

[EN] I don't want any more insults in here or else it will be locked again. Apart from the fact that sess has right in his opinions about the behaviour of greeks (not all of course), you must understand and accept that GvE is a private server! As a result of this he can do whatever he wants with it.

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sess u use this site only for info about exploits and not for helpin' other ; e.g when a thread was made about GvE's hacks , you locked it BUT when a bug for other srver was posted,you didn't!!!


What th hell are u doin' here , so? this site is only for hacks ,if u don't like it leave!!

Umm, give me the post where that is?  I rarely lock topics, at most I move them if they're in the wrong section or in ezreals case (i think, cant check) that wanted his post deleted.  Also, i do actually help people.  I help people that have genuine questions or problems, not 'MI NED DRAGUN SURVUR HAX!' or 'HELP HLPAEX NO WORK!'.


This is a bit true, a mod of an exploit forum being at some other server is not very good. For example when one person asked here for exploits there he was banned. This is not good since this is the reason of this forum. Like a "spy" in here. And whatever u do u CANT ban a whole country its too extreme in my opinion. Why didnt u ban Russia for example, all cheat programs all theirs, (i dont mean to offend russian ppl) but thats the truth.

Even if i wasn't a mod here, he still would have and i even attempted to unban him because he was annoying the hell outta maxtor but worrom wiped the accounts.


If you want to stop Greek-nOObz then BAN ONLY THEM not all the greeks...It's crazy!

What'd think i did before?  I banned OVER 8000 accounts by hand, i spent 2 hours going thru logs EVERY DAY.


I think GvE should open the Ips and each time a GM see that a player is telling "BaD" things then BAN HIM not all of us.....

That's my opinion....

To time consuming.  Each GM would have to get a picture for proof, send it to me which would take a few mins considering im on dialup, check the IP, goto another place, find the acc and then goto another to ban the acc then goto another to ban the IP.  All in all, thats 30 minutes for each person.


or that GvE from Canada, i don't like the playstyle, but they are full of people all the time)

You mean the one that stole our name, tried to copy everything and even claims they're the real GvE? hah.  I already know they wont last long without donations.  There is typically only 2 or 3 people in their irc.  Security the bot, Amby the poser (Maybe trying to pose as Ambrosia from GvE who we always called Amby?... hmm..) and d3v1l.



Now, since i only speak english and i dont want to bother asking one of my greek friends to translate, please keep it english else ill request a lock.

The greece IP range will stay banned probably until GvE goes down even if there is a petition with over 5k people in it.

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sess u use this site only for info about exploits and not for helpin' other ; e.g when a thread was made about GvE's hacks , you locked it BUT when a bug for other srver was posted,you didn't!!!


What th hell are u doin' here , so? this site is only for hacks ,if u don't like it leave!!

Umm, give me the post where that is?  I rarely lock topics, at most I move them if they're in the wrong section or in ezreals case (i think, cant check) that wanted his post deleted.  Also, i do actually help people.  I help people that have genuine questions or problems, not 'MI NED DRAGUN SURVUR HAX!' or 'HELP HLPAEX NO WORK!'.


This is a bit true, a mod of an exploit forum being at some other server is not very good. For example when one person asked here for exploits there he was banned. This is not good since this is the reason of this forum. Like a "spy" in here. And whatever u do u CANT ban a whole country its too extreme in my opinion. Why didnt u ban Russia for example, all cheat programs all theirs, (i dont mean to offend russian ppl) but thats the truth.

Even if i wasn't a mod here, he still would have and i even attempted to unban him because he was annoying the hell outta maxtor but worrom wiped the accounts.


If you want to stop Greek-nOObz then BAN ONLY THEM not all the greeks...It's crazy!

What'd think i did before?  I banned OVER 8000 accounts by hand, i spent 2 hours going thru logs EVERY DAY.


I think GvE should open the Ips and each time a GM see that a player is telling "BaD" things then BAN HIM not all of us.....

That's my opinion....

To time consuming.  Each GM would have to get a picture for proof, send it to me which would take a few mins considering im on dialup, check the IP, goto another place, find the acc and then goto another to ban the acc then goto another to ban the IP.  All in all, thats 30 minutes for each person.


or that GvE from Canada, i don't like the playstyle, but they are full of people all the time)

You mean the one that stole our name, tried to copy everything and even claims they're the real GvE? hah.  I already know they wont last long without donations.  There is typically only 2 or 3 people in their irc.  Security the bot, Amby the poser (Maybe trying to pose as Ambrosia from GvE who we always called Amby?... hmm..) and d3v1l.



Now, since i only speak english and i dont want to bother asking one of my greek friends to translate, please keep it english else ill request a lock.

The greece IP range will stay banned probably until GvE goes down even if there is a petition with over 5k people in it.

I play GVE is very cool but isn't only"GR" who got childish problem, Players Like LastHope who zerg and start offend all your family/parents/you isn't a pro dude so try to bann them ingame with hide mode because we are bored of this dumbasses~


p.s. Give me some adena in game XD i just got 40 :(

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GvE is a PvP server so hostility should be expected =P


But lasthope is the least of your worries if you want to talk bout insults.  Go on the forum and check the flame forum with tempest,zealot vs moop+gm team+some players

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oh that's why i couldn't login to server... Anyway sess is ur decision but i think that u must open the ips again...



P.S Ezeral back to your project  :P . And i'll agree with killer_007's opinion...

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