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Hello guyz, i have find an updater and i share it. For now I will share only the client files, and at night the server files and a guide.


Client Side Patch: Here

Server Side Patch:Here




1)First make an directory named "update" in your wwwroot folder.

2)Paste there the "Server Side Patch" (you can download from my post).

3)Make an winrar file with your system patch(systextures,textures,sound,system) everything you want.

4)Paste it too in the update folder


5)Go to "Client Side Patch"(you can download from my post).

6)change the options where there are in "neoncube" folder(neoncube.ini)


[change all the words witch are with colour red]



server_name = [red]yourservername[/red]
notice_url = [red]yourserversite[/red]/update/intro.php
patch_site = [red]yourserversite[/red]
patch_port = 80
patch_list = [red]yourserversite[/color]/update/patchlist.txt
patch_folder = /

executable = system\l2.exe
registration_link = [red]yourregisterlink
skin = skin_red

grf_file = empty.grf
Backup_GRF = 1
startup_option = 3

archive_passphrase =


7)save it

8)That were the steps, now you are ready to start the updater


Other Info:

If you want to share new patch, you must edit the next file:

- patchlist.txt

Open the patchlist.txt in your update folder(in your wwwroot directory)


You will find this:

100 FLD update/system.rar

for other update you must add like that:

101 FLD update/system_updates.rar


Next: you must make a winrar file named "system_updates.rar" and there you must put all the new files in their folders.


That's all!


Have Fun!!!


Special Thanks,

NeonCube & Ragezone!


  • 2 months later...

STOP trying earn posts ... the link is broken and your new users how did u tested it ?? lol ha ??? next spam like this will be -1 karma

  • 2 months later...

LOL, who said i downloaded it from this topic? I found the same thing in RZ! :P


MASTORPOS writes :

Special Thanks,

NeonCube & Ragezone!




Did you read it Before posting newbie Things ?


The file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher or...

Damn! Why you don't restore the link?

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