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[Request]MxC Garena Clan Member!

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I am 25lvl on Garena.That means that I can create a Clan.

The Bad thing is that if someone creates a clan , he cant do it again in the feuture.

What we are the advantages on be a member of the clan.

-We are going to have our Channel.

-MxC , will be adverised on Channels.

-We are going to have games with other clans.(Clan Wars)

-And we will all be a group.

-And some other advantages.


Something That I forgot to mention Is that we are going to have A clan forum ,

at Garena forum and we are going to create one(for not spamming here) And there you can advertise MxC!



All WoW Mods + Some member of MxC stuff can become Clan Officers.


The other members must:

-At least be 5lvl.

-They have to be active.

-They have to know to play Dota.


The mebmer that will post must fill this:

-Name of clan: (because If we put as Name MaxCheaters , I think that will be Banned)

-Clan Tag: (Max 5 chars) I was thinking "MxC"

-Name: of garena.


Thank you!

Clan Lord:



Clan Officers : (4)


-Drouks aka NotAbastard

-Sanias aka Nitrius System

-pwntbykenji aka xkenji


-IamAlone aka Rapbullys

-Manolakis13 aka Bluster

-Kidgamias69 aka DrakSlayer

-xMrMG aka MrMG

-ToulipaS_Cs aka MrAderson aka Tearsodholly



Tempotary (Members who are learning now dota):






Thx All



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Mpouxaxa TheEnd! nice! (Mori koufala gamw ta hacks sou, potes piges 24? :P :P)


Well, sure I am in!


-Name of clan: MaxCheaters (Don't afraid) No one can ban us! :P

-Clan Tag: MxC ofc!

-Name: Morian) (You know it nab ^_^)

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Mpouxaxa TheEnd! nice! (Mori koufala gamw ta hacks sou, potes piges 24? :P :P)


Well, sure I am in!


-Name of clan: MaxCheaters (Don't afraid) No one can ban us! :P

-Clan Tag: MxC ofc!

-Name: Morian) (You know it nab ^_^)




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 -Name of clan: MaxCheaters

-Clan Tag: MxC

-Name: rapbullys



Also I have to make a Logo:Logo size must be 88X31

Everyone whoiWants can Make one which would Say MxC , ANIMATTED.

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So you guys are making a clan huh? Well sure i am willing to create a new account but than again i will have to know what should i put infront of my name as i am new in Garena Clan System. Anyways tomorrow morning i will be creating my account and i will most likely edit this post with my profile information.

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I am  in

garena name:Manolakis13

added as member


-Name of clan: MaksTsiters <- Ban this

-Clan Tag: MxC

-Name: Drouks

Added as Officer!


So you guys are making a clan huh? Well sure i am willing to create a new account but than again i will have to know what should i put infront of my name as i am new in Garena Clan System. Anyways tomorrow morning i will be creating my account and i will most likely edit this post with my profile information.


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Lawl its nice to be a moderator and spam-free huh ? And instead of that why don't you think helping me a bit?


Hey i don't spam, just i like the name of clan, but you can't understan the name, you are not greek...

What help you want?

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Yeah you do spam,


Spam Rules:



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ahaha LOL ahaha EPIC! :P


Judging from the forum rules you do spam....




Anyway what i want to ask is that i can choose whatever name i want in garena right? And i also want to ask if


-Name of clan: [if here i make a proposal for the clan name]

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