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What this does is it makes ALL skills lethal at a % that you set. By ALL skills I mean mage and physical skills that deal damage. A lethal on a monster = halves it's current HP. A lethal on a player = Ignores CP and sets players current HP to 1.


No, I'm not going to create a patch. Why?

1. I don't want to.

2. If your server is good enough, it has a good developer who can implement this with the steps I'm about to give you.




1. Go into your pre-compiled project and open this file... /java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/Formulas.java


2. Ctrl+F and search for lethal.

Delete all the way from


/** Calcul value of lethal chance */






           return false;


       return true;




Now, in it's place, put this code:


/** New Lethal System by Newface*/

   public final boolean calcLethalHit(L2Character activeChar, L2Character target, L2Skill skill)


       int chance1 = Rnd.get(200);

       int chance2 = Rnd.get(200);

       if (chance1 == chance2)


       if (!target.isRaid()  //Make sure target is normal monster or player

               && !(target instanceof L2DoorInstance)

               && !(target instanceof L2NpcInstance && ((L2NpcInstance) target).getNpcId() == 35062))




           if (target instanceof L2NpcInstance)

            target.reduceCurrentHp(target.getCurrentHp() / 2, activeChar); // Half monsters HP

               else if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) // If is a active player set his HP to 1


                   L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) target;

                   if (!player.isInvul())








       return false;


               /**End New Lethal System by  Newface*/



Now, to change % of lethal, see this?:





That 500 means that the lethal chance is 1%

100 means its 1%

200 means its .5%

500 means its .2%

1000 means its .1%


Make sure to change it in BOTH places! Enjoy all.


Now, you may be asking... why was this done? Well, I run a PvP server and the lethal system is bad for a place where you can get all skills / best items / best buffs really easily. So, I decided, that instead of disabling lethal system, I changed it. I made it so everyone has the same, small, % to lethal.



  • 1 month later...

petmezis wraia ola afta ala pes kiolas pos pame sto /java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/Formulas.java


paparas eisai? valto kapou!

[gr]eleos xazoi iste? otan milate elinika na bazete Gr Tags . kai btw ti pos pane sto java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/Formulas.java mathe java kai tha dis pos pane :) xriazese eclipse search button ftw ? .

[gr]eleos xazoi iste? otan milate elinika na bazete Gr Tags . kai btw ti pos pane sto java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/skills/Formulas.java mathe java kai tha dis pos pane :) xriazese eclipse search button ftw ? .


giati na koumposoume tagkies?siga to prama =X

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