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interlude [L2J Interlude]L2 Wap Arena


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if he challenged you go ahead

But for god shake this guy is paying for a host

All admins think that their server is perfect with boss protections but in fact it is not

So I suggest you guys to go crash a server that is located in a home pc And I will be very glad to join you

Lol :p

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~SeRk,dnt think that you did sth special my friend;p

All members of mxc can use packet hack.

Anw,one very young kid can do that crash with desrtoy items.

Its not sth special or sth hard^^

Also ~SeRk,8nx a lot for remind me that INT servers dnt exist anymore!

It is impossible to have an INT srv atm,cuz of so many scripts of phx.

This packet hack destroy Interlude gaming;p

(rly sry for my bad english...)

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~SeRk,dnt think that you did sth special my friend;p

All members of mxc can use packet hack.

Anw,one very young kid can do that crash with desrtoy items.

Its not sth special or sth hard^^

Also ~SeRk,8nx a lot for remind me that INT servers dnt exist anymore!

It is impossible to have an INT srv atm,cuz of so many scripts of phx.

This packet hack destroy Interlude gaming;p

(rly sry for my bad english...)

i dont crash it with destroy items and i can crash all the cronicles

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DreaM,if the srv was failed,then why you ask ALL THE TIME to make you GM?

I have your "GM Applications" atm.If you wanna i can show them:)

~SeRk,you are a nothing;)

The only one from here who can do it is DragonHunter.


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DreaM,if the srv was failed,then why you ask ALL THE TIME to make you GM?

I have your "GM Applications" atm.If you wanna i can show them:)

~SeRk,you are a nothing;)

The only one from here who can do it is DragonHunter.


im nothing turn your server online and you will see what im

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So what ? I wanted to be Gm big deal? Wanna proove smth with that ? ^^ Your sever still sucks. You are the worst administrator i ever had smth in common with. Good bye and good ridance.

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