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I PRoPoSe To Make A Hacking Team

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Explorers: This section should be deleted for these simple reasons:


1)We can all search the web

2)Each one of us know better what are we looking for./Each one of us can write a better guide on what we've done.

3)When it comes to finding exploits that came to light, or programs, it should only take 2 or 3 guys to do that. So I suggest that those just smart guys should be doing the latter (3) not just sit around.




P.S: Have you read reply #106, I wanna be a designer too.

P.S2:Hope you take that explorer's rec into consideration.

P.S3:I 've sent e-mails to ppl I know they know injection, but hell wtf, no reply. We have to find ppl who know injection, and not just the basics, it's quite self-explanatory.

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lostos listen..that way i could visit allcheats.ru and say come guyz we are going to make a program..then start designing the basic code and one time one of them takes it and leaves..then what???with that he can make himself the program and we are placed out of business :P ..so i suggest in the team here should be only ppl that we trust and that we know....also i suggest the team be formed after the exams ..for now just suggestions .

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i agree with mewmew, and this is not ur decision lostos, its bantito's..........


DON'T PISS ME OFF YOU *** darky I MADE A ** suggestion GF, I didn't say the decision is mine, FOR GOD'S SAKE!! WTF you got in your head weed or sth?!!!!



Besides, tell me you qq what Mew said in your own words! I BET YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND, u just said I agree u  **n piece of *t



lostos listen..that way i could visit allcheats.ru and say come guyz we are going to make a program..then start designing the basic code and one time one of them takes it and leaves..then what???with that he can make himself the program and we are placed out of business :P ..so i suggest in the team here should be only ppl that we trust and that we know....also i suggest the team be formed after the exams ..for now just suggestions .



Mew, man, I don't get it. What does this have to do with my suggestion of deleting/not having a separate* explorers section? Maybe I don't understand though, please make clearer the relevance of my suggestion and your post.




Oh, man people like darky really piss me off, get a life, grow up dude! (Darky not Mew). If you don't fucken understand English, or you 're too fucking lazy to read whole posts, then *gf*, DON'T POST

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hey yo chill out...Take it easy..calm down... We haven't started even and u already got angry...MewMew said a smart thing the team should be organised after the exams cuz now we are all busy so the Hard Work will start after  15/06/2007

We Gonna MAke The Lineage 2 Hacking Revolution......and then wake up :P                                             

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i just wanna say that we cannot just "hire" any prson that we find..first every member of the team must see him and when he is judged that he is trustful he can join..it is not for maxbastards members but for friends of someone for example a friend of mine..if i say i wanna he to join it doesnt mean he will.u guyz must see him first and then decide if he is ok or not :P lostos i didnt say anything against you i just "dieykrinisa" kati ;)


and yes after the examps would be the best time..

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I think this topic should ne locked for now and opened when exams finish...So as to avoid SPAM...Bantito You should pm and i will open it laterz!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK ThE examination period is coming to its happy end.. so let's start taking some actions for making the words reality some team members including me have already started workin on some projects so we need more experienced people and as well as 2-4 Master explorers every one who wanna join pm me in msn or write it here on the forum

then we will make a Contest and choose the better explorer

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yeap bandito good idea..cause we will certainly need some people that can find anything that appears at the web however hidden it is..i think i will take up the contest..it will have to find 1 icon and 2 files from the internet which i will upload or i will find somewhere...it wont be easy though cause google is not the only solution to searching...

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I 'm working on reverse engineering of L2Walker, but it's damn difficult. I am also working on some guides:




I found out a couple of exploits too, for some BIG servers, but unless Maxtor adds hidden text code, I won't post them.



Exam period is not over yet

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yes but unimportant lessons left..lostos if ya need any help let me know...we are gonan find this goddamn source code and it will be given to special people only..anyway explorers plz apply here..

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