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my opinion for antivirus is ESET ot Kaspersky, But now i hear for one good antivirus with name "Panta" i don't know more informations about it...


einai free? dose an boris kana link

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hey, I use ESET NOD 32 and for spyware i use, Spyware Doctor. For me is the bests!


I can't give you links here because this programs is warez...


Search on warez sites you will find it! ;)



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well because i saw some posts which thell about Panta


panta is one the worst antivirus i eveer used to say the truth it was the first and wasn't good maybe i had a bad version maybe something else but panta for me isn't good :P


also i suggest you to use Karspersky this is the antivirus i use and is very good until now i don't have any problem

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  • 4 weeks later...

i know its an old topic but still so common, so ill leave my opinion anyway.

cracked or paid id vote for nod32, since its less resource hungry then kaspersky. if u dont care, kaspersky is also a nice option. if u want a free one, avast seems the best. avg and avira are going painfully downhill...

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