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[guide] How to take a clan hall

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                                    Clan Hall 

1st of all you must have kk at your clan wharehouse (if you don't have put in as much as you can :


put 2kkk to be sure ;)

width=1024 height=719http://i39.tinypic.com/o1e0j.jpg[/img]

then go to a npc called Auctioneer :

width=1024 height=719http://i42.tinypic.com/f1cokm.jpg[/img]

and press all items for sale

width=1024 height=719http://i39.tinypic.com/r78z7t.jpg[/img]


Now select what clan hall you like.. and press bid a new window will open and you have to put how much kk you want to bid .. i sugest to put 2kkk ;) sumbit bid and w8 a week ........enjoy your clan hall ;)





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oh now i remembered i asked because this ".online" at the announcements i have seen it on a server but i didn't remember where


for a moment i thought that was core but core hasn't got custom items and then i asked


ty man!

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  • 3 weeks later...

For servers with lots of adenas:


the maximum you can bid is 2.147.483.647 adenas


but you need to put on your warehouse 2.147.483.617, because theres a fee tax of 30 adenas to deposit...


after put that ammount,  sell something to any NPC and add more 30 adenas to your clan warehouse to have the maximum adena limit


after that go bid for 2.147.483.647...if the auctioneer acept your bid, the clan hall will be yours, because no one else can bid for it , since you did for the maximum

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