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Grapste To GM Name Sas !

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I play Admin/GM char for 7 years and my names are


[GM]SexoMania(dwarf woman)

[Admin]Bobos(D.elf Mage Storm Screamer)

[Owner]Bobos(D.elf Mage Storm Screamer)

[TestGM]GTPK(Human Fighter Duelist)

& last 1 [GM]GreekVersion

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=GM=FrentyCroykeR einai diko mou to name exo to exo ftiaksi etsi ksero pos grafete se periptosi pou petaxti kapios eksipnos...

  nai entelws diko sou to name auto.Oute p iksera oti exoun bgei k tainies.
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