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Lipon na po tin ali8ia eftiaxa auto to topic gia tris logous proton marese to topic tou revenger gia ton necro 2on meresi trela o evas templar 3ondn eixa 3anavri idio guide gia to sigkekrimeno char


As arxisoume prota prepi na maoume kapia pragmata gia ton evas templar:


O evas templar einai o tank elf. Gia na ftiaxete ton sigekrimeno char prepi na kanete ta exis quests: Elf fighter-Elf knight-Temple knihgt-Eva's Templar.


Skill bar:


prepi na exete sto skill bar sas oposdipote ta parakato skills:


f1:to attack  to gnosto pou vriskete sta actions


f2:shield bash skill0352_0.png (kane epi8esi me tin aspida kai merikes fores kani kai stun)


f3: Aggression: skill0028.jpghttp://(kali ton antipalo na epite8i to kanoume sixna idika an o antipalos trexi)


f4:  iron shield: skill0527.png (au3ani amines panta to vazoume)


f5: shield faith: ShieldOfFaith.jpg (au3ani amines to vazoume se akrees periptosis kai oxi sixna)


f6: ultimate defence:  skill0110_0.png 9au3ani trela tis amines alla se kollaei sto edafos gia lifga deuterolepta. Oute auto to xrisimopioume sixna)


f7: arrest : skill0402.jpg (exei pi8anotita na kolisi ton antipalo kato kai na min bori na kouni8i to kanoume kirios apenanti se to3otes)


f8: cp pots: etc_cp_potion_i01.png  (healari to cp kata 200)


f9:mana potions: etc_reagent_blue_i00.png (gemizi mp kata 200)


f10: soulshot: etc_spirit_bullet_gold_i00.png (au3ani tin epi8esi)


f11: touch of life:   skill0341.jpg (healri to hp polu rigora alla fortoni arga)


f12:  vengeance:  skill0368.jpg (au3ani amines alla to kanoume para polu spania)



2h mpara:


1: spirit barrier :   skill_123.jpg  (au3ani m def to kanoume panta)


2:  Feflect arrow:  skill0112.jpg  (au3ani amina enantion to3oti to kanoume panta)


3: keno


4: to oplo mas


5 i aspida mas


6: elemental heal : skill0058.jpg (healari arga kai ligo to hp alla dn fortoni arga dn to kanoume mesti maxi)


7:shield deflect magic:   skill0916.jpg (epistrefi  epi8esi pou dexete apo magous den to kanoume sixna mono vs mages)


8: anti magic armor:  Anti%20Magic%20Armor.gif (au3ani kata 5 k tou mdef to kanoume spania kai mono se dinatous magous)


9:Summon Storm Cubic:  skill0010.jpg (emfanizi ena cubic pou kani epi8esis storm mono tou to kanoume panta)


10: Summon Life Cubic:  skill0067.jpg (emfanizi ena cubic pou auto healari mono tou ton char mas panta to vazoume)


11: edo exete dio epiloges i na valete to smart cubic i to attractive: (attractive) skill0449.jpg  (smart) skill0779.jpg


12: noblese


stin triti grami valte oti alo sas xrisimeui kirios apo to inventory


lipon tora tropos paixnidiou




o tank forai panta heavy alla bori kai na foresi light gia na afkisete taxitita ala ego protimo heavy


tropos paixnidiou:


vs Archers- Dagers


Logika i archers 8a trexoun ara exete liges pi8anotites logo speed prospa8iste na piasete arrest kai an dn piasi prospa8iste na piasete stun me shield bash kai meta xoste kanonika an den piasi tpt apta dio tin exete psilovameni giauto sas sinisto kalou kakou na parete kai ena to3aki esto me mikro +. Tora enantion dageradon einai eukola ta pramata arxizete me shield bash kai meta varate kanonikes logika meta apo ligi ora 8a psofosi. Tora an einai kalos me polu + kai eiste etimi na xasete kante vengeance kai an inai toso pia kalos pou sas apili kai me vengeance kante ultimate defence P.S.(min kanete eukola kai sixna shield of fiath kirios stin olybiada i se agona me supes calo pekti)


vs Mages


Edo ta pragmata einai apla kanete ta shield deflect magic kai an xriasti se akrees periptosis to anti magic armor kai exete ka8arisi.


vs Tank


edo kerdizoun 1on ta kalitera + 2on i ebiria 3on o tropos pexnidiou lipon arxizete kanontas sinexia shield bush kai attack otan teliosi to cp kante oposdipote cp pots se autes tis maxes to vengeance kai to ultimate defence malon 8a xriastoun bori kai to shield of faith to sigouro einai oti 8a palepsete polu ora kai 8a nikisi o kaliteros.


Lipon auto itan to guide mou an 8elete kati alo pite to na to pros8eso doste mou credits kai min spamarete legonta mlk,gtp, xalia kai tetia ekana megali prospa8ia na to ftiaxo ;D


Lipon gia armors 8a sas po ena kolpaki gia high rate 8a pate mexri lvl 15 me ta gremlins kai meta pate e3o apo dion mexri 40 lvl meta pas allazis class kai pernis C armos kai C duals pate meta giran-antharas cave (dragons valley cave) kai exparete mexri 70 lvl meta pate me tin idia armor sto monastery of silence (goddard) pate 80 lvl kai meta parte s80 armors Dynasty ;D


gia buffs parte wind walk,might,bless the body,magic barrier,haste,focus,guidance,death whisper,greater might,shield,mental shield,elemental protection,chant of victory,chant of evansion,warrior,fury,fire,earth guard,protection, earth,wind,vitality,renewal,vengeance,storm guard,warding,hunter







Kalutera na masas para na postareis :P

Auto ine guide tr?Add:Strategies,buffs meri gia xp kai ise ok :)

Mas eksigis tis mpares mono tpt allo..Tespa fixare tis pic


Mporeis k kalitera!


Re file min postareis guides an dn ksereis ena class.Dn iparxei megaliterh malakia

apo enan new pou prospathei na akolouthisei ena lathos guide.


Ntax apo pou na arxiso ke pou na telioso...proton to shield bash DN einai stun, kanei ena mini stun men

alla dn einai ftiagmeno gia auto.To xrisimopieis gia na cancel target > cancel skill. Enas kala pegmenos  TK borei na

kopsei opodipote skil. Deuetron ''Logika i archers 8a trexoun ara exete liges pi8anotites logo speed'' ...

Wtf re file... exeis akousei gia to skill pou exoun ola ta elf ''entangle'' ? Kanei slow me base land rate 60%...


Fisika ke otan pas 79 ke pareis to smart cubic dn tha castareis to storm. Kanei 150 dmg sta tate set eno to atractive kanei hate-root. Ti protimas ?


''heararei arga kai ligo to hp alla dn fortoni arga dn to kanoume mesti max''

Dn iparxei megalitero lathos se TK. O tk borei na dialisei opodipote tank-meele char.

Entangle + trexeis ke healareis + ud kai ksana healareis + vengence + heals heals heals.



Pou einai mage setup gia ta heals ?

Pou einai dyes ?

Pou einai to TOL OEO ? (Touch of life)

Toggle skill stin proti bara ?



Sevome ta perisotera guides...alla ntax auto einai oti na 'nai.

Kai osoi exoune pezoune TK tha sou poun to idio.


Re eleos...


Ena pragma mas les k afto dn eprepe kiolas


Mas les pos na ftiaksoume akrivos to skillbar mas?


Oute eikona sta skills na ta ksexorisoume


Auto dn einai para miamisis oras douleia


Prospathise na to kaneis kalitero



A k to lathos p kanete oloi sas


Grafte sta ellhnika to guide na nai ligo pio euparousiasto

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