Emrys Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 WoWInifnity is a hacking tool for World of Warcraft (live servers). Released in Martch 2008 WoWInifnity have quickly become the biggest player in the World of Warcraft hacking field. After one year of service WoWInfnity have never been detected by warden and been working with every wow patch released since its release. Life in WoW made easy WoWInfinity makes you life inside World of Waracraft easier. Faster questing, traveling, tradeskill farming. Soloing bosses that you never dreamed about soloing. Its a lot less time spend doing things that WoWInfininty gives you a shortcut to pass. The 3 King Features WoWInfinity's got a great deal of features but to sum up just the main 3 features we got: SUPERFLY - A flyack that lets you... well... "fly" NOCLIP - A hack that lets you walk through everything. SPEEDHACK - A Hack that lets you Run, Swim, Ride and Fly faster than anyone else. Thoes 3 hacks combined makes you a flying ninja that can walk through trees, mountains, walls in a speed faster than the fastest flying mount. Walk from herb to herb farming your tradeskills, skipping mobs in quests or dungeons, going from one part of the world to another. The possibilities are endless. And they are off cause all working on Live (blizzard) servers and not detected. The Community WoWInfinity is not just about the hacking tool, its a community based around the EzWoWGold.com forums. With over 700 active users the community around WoWInfinity is big and the talk warries from guides and tricks for WoWInfinity and WoW in general to socoal stuff, show-off's and people with great ideas for new features. How it works When you purchase WoWInifnity you will get access to the download page and a useraccount. You will then go to the forums and create a forum account (the forum account will be activated in a few days). On the forum you can learn alot more about how to use WoWInfinity and talk with all the other users. When you download open WoWInfinity you will be introduced to the login screen, and after logging in you might meet the select process screen if you have 2 or more copies of world of warcraft running at the same time. When you have selected the process you want to hack the WoWInfnity userinterface will appear. Here you got a commandline based input system where you write a command and then it will trigger a hack. For example if you write "Spectate" it will activate Spectate Mode. However there is also hotkeys for commonly used hacks, like Numpad 2 triggers Superfly, Numpad 1 triggers noclip, Numpad 3 can be used to avoid taking fall damage etc. When a new patch is released WoWInfinity will automaticlly patch itself so you don't need to go and grap some files of the net manually. The Features: * Superfly (Flyhack) * Noclip (Go through Walls. can be used with Superfly and flying mounts) * Collision (Collision size, setting it to 0 will make it possible to go into the most narrow places you have ever dreamt of, and by just toggling it you can walk in the air, almost like flying) * Track (track whatever you want, even chests) * Velocity (Jump higher or lower) * SuperSlowFall (A slowfall where you can control what way you want to go and also jump while flying) * Wallclimb (walk very, very, very… steep walls) * Float (holding down Numpad 5 will make you float through air, if you release it you fall down again) * TeleClip (holding down Numpad 8 will clip you forward, if there are any walls you will go through them) * TeleHackZ (Pressing [Numpad 7] will instantlly port you up in the air in a controllable altitude and pressing [Numpad 4] will port you down. This can be used to get through high buildings like Karazhan in a matter of secounds and can also be used to kite bosses and kill them Solo) * Time (set the time) * TimeSpeed (set the speed of time) * Airwalk (keep moving at the same height) * FlyThrough (enable flying and nothing is solid anymore) * Safelanding (Affaraid to fall down and die SafeLanding will make sure that you don’t kill yourself by fall damage.) * M2Move* (Move around any object ingame with your cursor. Just put your cursor over the object you want to move, pic it up and move it, this can be used to remove obstacles blocking your way like doors, walls or anything else.) * M2nocol* (Disables collision from all M2 models.) * M2col*(Enables collision from all M2 models) * M2Blackout* blackout all M2 models so you easier can see oponent players. * M2Remove*(Removes all current loaded object from the game making it possible to walk almost anywhere, if you run around in a forest you can forexample now avoid all trees, stones while other players and even Mobs will have to run around them as normal) * M2Flat*(Flat outall current loaded object, so you still can see it but walk right through it. This is also quite fun to look at) * WMOremove*(Remove all WMO objects current loaded, this is forexample Buildings or any indoor enviroment.) * WMOnocol*(removes collision from all WMO’s) * WMOcol*(enables collision from all WMO’s) * CamZ (Control camera Zoom, allowing you to zoom out as much as you want) * CamFov (Set the camera’s Field Of View allowing you to see around you which gives you an advantage in PVP) * CamRotZ (Allows you to change the z-rotation of the camera) * Char_Alpha (Change your transparency making it easier to to fight while the camera is close) * Char_Scale (Scale you char to any size, this can also be quite nifty if you want to have a better overview over the battle.) * MindVis Look through the eyes of another player of NPC * Spectate Move the camera around anywhere in the world without moving yourself * Drunk Makes you drunk * Die You die but you are not dead ^^ * RaidIco Put a raid icon ontop of NPC's or Players without being in a raid (*all model related features are currently down for a remake) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eyWyjXE288 Downlaod : Download link deleted , I will update with a new one. Credits: Guide from official team, Download Links By TheEnd Ps. If there is a problem with my link delete it thx.
Alexpap Posted May 22, 2009 Posted May 22, 2009 is it working for official too ? :D the track thing that it mentions is a bannable offense? ???
Emrys Posted May 22, 2009 Author Posted May 22, 2009 is it working for official too ? :D the track thing that it mentions is a bannable offense? ??? of course is banable, I dont know about official..
Emrys Posted July 25, 2009 Author Posted July 25, 2009 TheEnd can u reupload ? :D I will when the new version is out
DBSK Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 I am starting playing wow I will try it how is work xD
xAddytzu Posted July 25, 2009 Posted July 25, 2009 TheEnd, what did you mean ? You can;t reupload the old version ?
xtrollx1 Posted August 4, 2009 Posted August 4, 2009 that's AWESOME...SIMPLY AWESOME.. waiting the next version of it.
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