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Wii console+2 controllers+zelda twilight+sports games

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h konsola einai se teleia katastash,tin exw 2 mines dn exw polupaiksei k tin poulaw gt 8elw na parw neo cpu sto pc m:D


to dinw 200 euro,timh syzhthsimh mono A8ina parakalw omws




Wii console

+2 controllers

+zelda twilight

+sports games


=200 euros


isws dextw k ligotera pm me^^


oxi einai konsola "3hs genias" san to ps3 k to 360

einai kanoniki konsola dld tis thleorashs,kratas ena thlexeirhsthrio k me tis kinhseis s stin pragmatikotita kineisai k sto game,dld an kouniseis px to thlex sthn zelda deksia aristera kovei me to spa8i stin thleorash tous allous ktlp ktlp


des k edw



ta grafika einai pl pio kala apo oti vlepeis sto video

btw sta katasthmata kanei 230-250 h konsola me 1 thlex

h zelda otan to pira ekane 60 ante na kanei 40 twra

k 15 to allo thlex sunolo 330euro to eixa parei^^

k nai einai k online,malista einai eukolo gt sundeetai apeu8eias mesw diktuou(karta p exei mesa) sto router s k mpaineis sto internet amesws

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