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L2x => Warehouse overenchant exploit!


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Hi, I heard about an exploit to overenchant in the warehouse...so I tried it myself.




And, I got fake enchantment like in the private shop trick....


I"m not able to have a 100% success rate because of some trouble (+12 blabla has been enchanted, and it just stays at the +11 step.. O.O)




Let's share plz!

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ok so here it goes :




1) Buy a weapon and manny enchant scrolls


2) Go to warehouse and deposit all your scrolls, but keep one only!


3) Put your scroll on a F1 (or whatever it is) shortcut


4) While cliking on "deposite" press "TAB" key in order to have your inventory AND your warehouse deposite window


5) Put your warehouse window just on the inventory one then press your F1 key, clik ok on the warehouse window and clik on the item to enchant






Now, what i got from this trick.....




Case 1 : No item lag => the scroll disapear quickly, and even if the enchant fails, the weapon doesn't disapear. Even if it succeeds it doesn't take any effect...




Case 2 : Item lag => I didn't got any fails, maybe it's just luck, but the scroll did disapear AFTER the enchant being applied (success only...)




That's what i've got... I play on L2 Extreme KASTIEN... I'm still working on it...Hoping to get a good weap before they nerf the scrolls T.T

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It's because you don't hit "ok" first in the warehouse deposite window.




=> Press F1 to activate the scroll


=> Clik on the "ok" deposite window


=> Quickly clik on your weapon, and pray for lag i guess it's the only way to be able to enchant safety...lag, I mean with this technic.

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