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- Using macros -

This has nothing to do with LineAge Utils and can be simply done within the l2 client itself. Using macros and using them often to multi task and semi-automate gameplay is the most basic way to improve your skill in this game. Below are just a few examples of what is possible by using macros.


This is a basic item macro which combines the use of the regular cp pot with the greater cp pot. By using this macro instead of a cp pot as a shortcut on my bar I am healed 250 cp per button press rather than just 200.


Also notice how it is set up. The first line refers to the shortcut button that is placed in bar 8, slot 6 and so on. For these sorts of macros I like to take an unused bar, bar 8 in this example, and use it to place shortcuts to items/skills/other macros so that the creation of macros doesn't affect my bars in regular usage.




This is a macro intended to repeat a buff in certain intervals of time. In this case the line that refers to the shortcut placed in bar 1, slot 2 refers to the actual seraphim gift which I pulled from the pet's skill list. The second line gives the amount of time which is to pass before the execution of the following line. This delay is represented in seconds, so in the case above, 100 sec=1min 40 sec which is just short of the buff's full time of 2 min. So every 100 seconds the summoner will have the pet recast its buff. These 2 lines are repeated for the full length of the macro's box to have the rebuff occur as many times as possible.


This sort of macro can be used for all buffers with limited buff intervals such as pony, cat, and even cov. However, after the macro is initiated, the use of items/skills or even typing will cancel its full execution so be sure to take care.



These are just examples of a few techniques possible when using macros. There are many more uses available for macros depending on what you'd like to do.


Some useful things to remember when editing macros are:



1. To refer to a skill available in your char's skill list, simply drag the icon into the macro edit text box to generate its usage command.

2. Customize your macros to easily identify them by varying the green icon's design and the 4 letter acronym that appears on the icon.

3. By using /useskillforce instead of /useskill, it will have the effect of using the skill with the ctrl key held down.



That's about most of what I have to share with everyone here. Hopefully if more people make use of the stuff I've mentioned here there can be smarter pvp/sieges/pve going on that will be of more interest to everyone. Either way, I hope that by reading this you've learned something and can play better as a result.




Credits : gamegate.gr


omg this works perfect on my OL .. cp recovery skill+ cp pot+ greater cp pot + hp pot!! FTW


thanks a lot ! i learned smth new xD



btw.. how can i set /delay in gracia final please? seems it doesnt work for some combinations :/


i try it with dash -->

/useskill dash

/delay 20

/useskill dash


but i move my  char it doesn't work... if my char stay without do any step it works...

useless macro because it gets interrupted ...

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