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[Guide]How to make Web site with MM Dreamweaver


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Hello Anybody! Today i show you how you can make your web site with dreamweaver!

Ok, let's start

At first you must have Macromedia Dreamweaver to download it go down of this topic (MMDW are without crack  if you want crack just search it in google it take only 1 minute...)

When you finish downloading just install it... with doubel click on it...



Now, you will see one window just click Next >




Here you must accept the terms and press Next >




And here press Next >




And Here press Next >




Here Press Install




And you see MM dreamweaver installing ;D




Ok, Now you have Macromedia Dreamweaver

Run it...(Press Disanig)

Here press CCS style cheets




Here you mist choose how will your website look like...


width=624 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/2im5bet.jpg[/img]


My choose:

Category: Starter Page

Starter Page: Lodging - Home Page


Here you can modify a website


width=624 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/x5w3tt.jpg[/img]


So let's start...


So at first let's give to website good background... to do it press Page Properties


width=640 height=471http://i42.tinypic.com/2dtq9s0.jpg[/img]


You will see one window, find line witch say Background Image.


width=640 height=369http://i44.tinypic.com/fekxzk.jpg[/img]


Find one nice image and press ok...


width=640 height=403http://i43.tinypic.com/xml8pc.jpg[/img]


On Page Proparties press Ok

Vouala You see background are now with image ;D


width=640 height=393http://i40.tinypic.com/14lkr7.jpg[/img]


Now let's add one image...

To do it find this line add press image:


width=640 height=24http://i40.tinypic.com/v4xwli.jpg[/img]


Find one image witch you like and press ok


width=640 height=402http://i41.tinypic.com/50p44y.jpg[/img]


Vouala you add one your image...


width=640 height=389http://i40.tinypic.com/2m6aecw.jpg[/img]


Now lets add some links...

To add any link you must write one Name of it (Home, Site Info, Forum etc.)

Select you link name... and press Make link


width=618 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/2h7o4f5.jpg[/img]


Here find line "URL" and write where your addrese site and press ok


width=618 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/2dhbf2f.jpg[/img]


Ok you have create link ;D


Now, let's add Flash Buttons, to add buttens go at this line witch have crest of flash and press "Flash Button"

width=618 height=480http://i40.tinypic.com/2nso22t.jpg[/img]

Here change one of all buttons add link and press ok

width=618 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/309hwcp.jpg[/img]

OK you have add flash buttons ;D

width=618 height=480http://i40.tinypic.com/1zv34tz.jpg[/img]


OK, now let's add some flash to your site, to do this make one good flash (i use Sothink SWF Quicker)

If you have flash go to line witch have Media : Flash and press "Flash"


width=620 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/2u8ul8l.jpg[/img]


Now choose one flash and press ok


width=620 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/2crrgqa.jpg[/img]


Ok you have add your flash... ;D


width=620 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/9abpzo.jpg[/img]


Ok now let's give title to your website :D

To do it find this line and write your Title


width=640 height=20http://i44.tinypic.com/6z3b78.jpg[/img]


OK you have give title to your site...


Now Let's Give Name to your site, Find this line and give your Name


width=640 height=142http://i43.tinypic.com/2lbgga1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=142http://i43.tinypic.com/258uiy9.jpg[/img]

Ok you have give name to your site :D


Now let's add Subname to your site, find Optional Tagline and write where you subname...


width=640 height=142http://i43.tinypic.com/20rt6b.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=142http://i44.tinypic.com/ejhf6e.jpg[/img]


Ok you give subname :D



Now let's add Page Name to you site...

Find this and give your page name...


width=640 height=324http://i44.tinypic.com/98yn1l.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=324http://i43.tinypic.com/66hezk.jpg[/img]


Now, lets give some informations

Go here and write your informations...


width=640 height=324http://i39.tinypic.com/2aj0qh1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=324http://i41.tinypic.com/1zdw3eh.jpg[/img]


Ok you have give page information


Now Let's give some good font, style and size...



Go down to line "Properties"

And find "font"

Select one your font...(like aria or something alse)

If you want add some your font press font and press ok.


width=640 height=122http://i43.tinypic.com/28lz0n5.jpg[/img]


width=640 height=122http://i44.tinypic.com/32ztjlh.jpg[/img]






width=640 height=119http://i42.tinypic.com/fa3csm.jpg[/img]





width=640 height=117http://i40.tinypic.com/2igeg3n.jpg[/img]



Now let's make some hyperlinks

Go to this line and select "hyperlink"

Write Text, Link and title




width=619 height=480http://i43.tinypic.com/aakb9c.jpg[/img]


Let's Add One button...

Go to this line and select "Forms"

And press Radio Button...




width=640 height=408http://i40.tinypic.com/4zzuk6.jpg[/img]


OK you have add button!



Now let's add flash album!

Go to this line and press "Flash", select your flash album and press ok

you will se one big windows with flash crest!(Warning: to see album you must copy all image witch you have add to album!)


width=640 height=43http://i40.tinypic.com/20qlwfq.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=401http://i43.tinypic.com/jubekw.jpg[/img]

width=621 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/2zyzbc9.jpg[/img]


Ok what's it, I fink i help many people to make a website...


To preview your site go File>Preview in browser and choose with witch you want (firefox/internet explore)


Macromedia Dreamweaver link Here:



Click me to see A website :D

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ok then after you create it.......How you publish it ???


Imean ok you take a subdomain for example webs.com but tell me plz how you publish finally in the internet...i stack in this part ...


(I know it is out of this guide but Plz i need an answer.)



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at this step :    You will see one window, find line witch say Background Image.


                    Find one nice image and press ok...


                    On Page Proparties press Ok

                    Vouala You see background are now with image ;D



***when you make the background the whole css style you choose become like the color of the background.


How i can do that?Because i make the background but the css style color (i mean the paragraphs at first) is different from the background.

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down of mecromedia windows have proparties where you can see page proparties click to it and  go to line backgraound image and press browse find your image and press ok...

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