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[Tutorial]How to make a render!


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Hello Guys, Today i will saw you How to cut one image from backround, but let's start!


Look the Image before edit 58becd12ff6db0_full.jpg




1) I choose the Polygonal Tool!





2) I choose the Zoom Tool and i do Zoom on Image!

width=600 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/2cp9ism.jpg[/img]




3) Choose again the Polygonal tool and choose one start on image and start to cut!

See this image and you can understund!

width=600 height=480http://i44.tinypic.com/2s17wvt.jpg[/img]

Well Continue with Polygonal tool and when you go again in start press click on the Start!

Like This

width=600 height=480http://i44.tinypic.com/20igm4h.jpg[/img]

Congratulations! you finishe with Polygonal tool, Now you must




4)Now Choose the Zoom Tool Again but choose the Zoom out and do the image small from here!

width=600 height=480http://i43.tinypic.com/29lfinb.jpg[/img]




5)Now Open a new Window "File --> New" or "Ctrl + N" and make 600x500

width=600 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/281gdb5.jpg[/img]




6)Now choose the new window and make a layer "Layer-->New--->Layer" and press OK or press Shift+Ctrl+N and press OK

width=600 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/34j7jbs.jpg[/img]



7)Now choose Move Tool and move the image on new window!

width=600 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/fdvbee.jpg[/img]




8)Now press on backround and press Delete Bacround!

width=600 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/255kpdw.jpg[/img]




9)Now Press "File-->Save As" and choose PNG

width=600 height=480http://i44.tinypic.com/2l9gk74.jpg[/img]




The Guide End! Congatz! Now you make one PNG image without backround







width=576 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/33o0cie.png[/img]



All Credits to Me!






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Or you could just use Magic Wand Tool with some extra options ;)


Nice one,



Yeah! But I preffer the Polygonal Tool, I don't know why, Maybe cause is my first tool that I use to cut images :P

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U should change the title to How to make a render :-]

Nice but there are more simple tehniques to make this :P with magic wand is the fastest one and with pen tool is the best one cuz u can make nice curves :)

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U should change the title to How to make a render :-]

Nice but there are more simple tehniques to make this :P with magic wand is the fastest one and with pen tool is the best one cuz u can make nice curves :)


Topic Update!

@Titlle Changed!

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