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[Tutorial] Energy Blast


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Learn how to make a neat looking "blasted" effect.


1. Start out with a new 250x250 image. Choose a white background. Then press D on your keyboard to reset the colors.


2. Go to filter > render > clouds




3. Now go to Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint. Select long lines from the drop down menu.




4. Next go to Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Choose 100, zoom, and best.




5. Finally, to add some color, go to Image > Adjust > Hue/Saturation. You can do this quickly by pressing Ctrl+U. You can adjust the colors there. Make sure you check "colorize".




Credits ~~> Depiction






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I think karma with your shares, i become pro! Realy! Thank you a lot!

Me too.. I Learned a lot of things. :D


I think he deserve karma ^^ ;D

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