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[Exploit]Win Olympiad 100%


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Step 1 Buy S greade duals +4 up...


Step 2 Eqip the duals end patricate in olympiad


Step 3 Die end w8 to do recall to play the game


Step 4 a moment recall to you you will press to vilage


Step 5 after to vilage you will go to dark elven or orc village


Step 6 Wait to 1 second for expale 60-50-40-30-20-10-5-4-3-2-1 in 1 second you will Eqip the arcana(acoumen)


Step 7 you must wait to 3-4-5 minute to stop the game end you win :D


i didin't do serach if he posted again end isen't good topic locket :D

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Step 1 Buy S greade duals +4 up...


Step 2 Eqip the duals end patricate in olympiad


Step 3 Die end w8 to do recall to play the game


Step 4 a moment recall to you you will press to vilage


Step 5 after to vilage you will go to dark elven or orc village


Step 6 Wait to 1 second for expale 60-50-40-30-20-10-5-4-3-2-1 in 1 second you will Eqip the arcana(acoumen)


Step 7 you must wait to 3-4-5 minute to stop the game end you win :D


i didin't do serach if he posted again end isen't good topic locket :D


this trick was posted many times and not work in most of servers also in l2j not work too, just in some crappy servers l2j.

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