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[Contest Guide] Rexxar, The Beastmaster By KeNji

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Rexxar, The Beastmaster




I. Section : Spells and Skill Build.


BTNAbility_Warrior_SavageBlow.gifWild Axes


Rexxar hurls his two axes outward, which then intersect and return to him. Each axe can only damage a unit once.


Level 1 - Each axe deals 90 damage.

Level 2 - Each axe deals 120 damage.

Level 3 - Each axe deals 150 damage.

Level 4 - Each axe deals 180 damage.


Cooldown: 13 seconds.


Level 1: 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown.

Level 4: 120 mana, 13 sec cooldown


KeNji's Comment: this is one of the skills you most rely on. mid-late game this is your farming skill.Also you can scare enemies early game. Wild axes should be clicked right in front of your enemy so they can actually hit him. you can easily get first blood btw


BTNEnchantedCrows.gifCall of the Wild


Rexxar calls upon wild beasts to aid him. The duration, strength and number of beasts increases per level. Previous summons are removed upon casting.


Level 1 - Summons a Scout Hawk. (60sec duration)

Level 2 - Summons a Scout Hawk and a Quilbeast. (70sec duration)

Level 3 - Summons a Greater Hawk and a Quilbeast. (80sec duration)

Level 4 - Summons a Greater Hawk and a Greater Quilbeast. (90sec duration)


Cooldown/Mana cost: 45/50/55/60 seconds/25 mana at all levels.


KeNji's Comment: this is a great skill...at lvl 2 you get your hawk and your quilbeast :P

The Hawk: is your eyes in the left unexplored map. i usually use it early game for exploring runes

The Quilbeast: check below :P


BTNEnchantedBears.gifBeast Rage


When Rexxar engages an opponent, his animalistic nature grants him even greater proficiency in single combat. With each continuous blow on the same target, Rexxar gains understanding of the prey's defences, and guides each strike with greater ease than the last. Maximum of 100% increased attack speed. If Rexxar changes targets, his rage counter drops to half of where it was.


Level 1 - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 5% bonus attack speed.

Level 2 - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 10% bonus attack speed.

Level 3 - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 15% bonus attack speed.

Level 4 - Every continuous attack gives Rexxar 20% bonus attack speed.


Passive skill


KeNji's Comment: this skill doesn't actually help out till mid-late game. With the right items + Beast Rage is what makes Rexxar unownable


BTNBattleRoar.gifPrimal Roar


The Beastmaster looses a deafening roar which deals damage and stuns its target. Enemy units near the roar wave take minor damage and have their movement speed and attack rate reduced. Due to the force of the roar, all units between the Beastmaster and his prey are shoved aside, creating an open path.


Level 1 - 200 primary damage, 3 second stun. 100 side damage, 2 second slow.

Level 2 - 250 primary damage, 3.5 second stun. 200 side damage, 3 second slow.

Level 3 - 300 primary damage, 4 second stun. 300 side damage, 4 second slow.


Cooldown: 60 seconds.


Level 1: 150 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

Level 2: 175 mana, 60 sec cooldown.

Level 3: 200 mana, 60 sec cooldown.


KeNji's Comment: this skill is more like the cherry on a lovely chocolate truffle cake. the dmg and the stun given is all that it takes to kill an enemy :P

if he tries to run away finish him off with the wild axes :P more to be explained below.

Skill Build:


1. Wild Axes

2. Call Of the wild

3. Beast Rage

4. Wild Axes

5. Call Of the wild

6. Primal Roar

7. Wild Axes

8. Call Of the wild

9. Wild Axes

10. Call Of the wild

11. Primal Roar

12. Beast Rage

13. Stats.

14. Beast Rage

15. Stats.

16. Primal Roar

17. Beast Rage

18-25. Stats


Wild Axes as mentioned before will help you abuse early game. Also, we need the Call Of The Wild to discover unexplored places on the map and the Quilbeast (after level 2) to slow the enemy. we get primal roar at 6th lvl... One of the most needed skill... must not be left out from ganks. Beast Rage is needed when the game has reached mid game and our items are much better.

II. How To Use the Wild Axes


Wild axes is one of your most important skills...


Early Game: You harrass your enemy or even get first blood


Mid Game: You rely on this skill to Farm. most mobs can die with one swing (depends on items) then you are allowed to call yourself an ultimate farmer :P




Late Game: Farm once again, but mostly used when enemy tries to escape from Primal Roar + some hits.




III. How To Use Call Of The Wild


1st level: Use it to Patrol For Runes. Remember: only lasts for 60 secs


2nd level: Use your hawk for patrol once again and the quilbeast to slow your enemy.


3rd level: greater hawk that can become invisible... should be used when spotted and hunted by enemies


4th level: greater quilbeast... use it in every kill :P




As you can see the dart (or w/e) slows the enemy for about 35%. this is your ultimate skill against fast enemies and DPS's


he has one disadvantage though... if the piggy gets killed the killer gains +100 gold. It is not much but don't let the pig be overfed :D

IV. How To Use Primal Roar


As you may know this skill is what makes Rexxar so famous. The side damage that it provides and the 4 sec stun is all you need to "divulge" your enemy.

Uber-gank skill and one of the most fascinating thing is that it opens the way to your prey... [something like what Moeses did to get past the sea when they were tracked down by the egyptians :p]

anyway... everyone in the 600 range effect is damaged and stun :)








V. Item Build




Rexxar, is a difficult hero that needs a lot of practice. Besides difficult he is quite expencive.


the damage may not seem much but when Mask of madness and armlet of mortigan is activated, there is no way rexxar will die :/




you may think that your hp will seriously decrease with mortigan, but with the lifesteal Mask of madness provides you are full hp at all times ^^


you have pretty much everything that a hero like rexxar needs :)


damage, survivability and ofc ms :)


Considerable items


BTNINV_Weapon_Crossbow_10-5.gif more damage with crits ^^ can be replaced with mkb.


BTNHornOfDoom-3.gif lifesteal and damage is ideal, but never use it with Mask Of Madness. when activated the effects given are ideal for your ganks


BTNOrbofWater-2.gif great against troubling nukers which can be a pain in the ass sometimes


BTNNecromancerAdept.gif mark this down... it may seem weird but in many pro matches and some pubs they get necronomicon for the mana + the assist... take it into consideration.


BTNINV_Sword_11.gif could be useless, since when charges are finished then there is no need of having it anymore... unless you wanna upgrade to manta style which is not really ideal for rexxar


BTNRodOfNecromancy-7.gif it is cool being immune, isn't it? so this is ideal...


Rejected Items


BTNSpellShieldAmulet-13.gif hmm... what? no... you are not the healer... also your survivability rate is quite high since you have piglet and your ulti ^^


bootsoftravel-1.gif ms is high enough. Besides you need the stats from treads in early game


dagon.gif they may buy necronomicon but that is as far as it goes with items which increase ints :/ you have alternative ways of killing. Dagon isn't needed


BTNArcaneRing.gif your mana pool may be quite low, but you will survive spend your g on something better


BTNINV_Misc_Gem_Bloodstone_02.gif you have enough hp as it is... also with the effect(upon activation) of armlet of mortigan and MoM your hp and damage increases. you are better off with those two



VI. Allies and Enemies


late game you can easily kill without needing help from others... but allies are needed for ganks in early-mid game :)


Great assistance heroes:








VII. Pros & Cons Of Rexxar



Cause KeNji says so

Can solo a game


great damage dealer

great assists

First Blooder


Has scout for runes

Slow ( with Piggy)

great escape artist





low mana pool

hard to learn (not newbie friendly)

Vulnerable to nukers


VIII. Tactics On How To Kill



1. Primal Roar

2. Activate Armlet Of Mortigan, Mask Of Madness

3. Once close to your target, hit without mercy

4. If he escapes, attack with piggy to slow him down

5. If you still can't reach him use Wild Axes



1. Attack with piggy to reduse ms and as

2. Activate Armlet Of Mortigan, Mask Of Madness

3. Once close to your target, hit without mercy

4. If you think you are going to die use Primal Roar to stun him and to damage him more

5. If he tries to escape use Wild Axes


IX. Credits



- TeH END -


Hope You Enjoyed It!



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That's ...BIG!


Amazing guide! Dunno about the contest but you get +1 from me!


Nice photos, you could also add a couple more item builds but that's ok :)

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That's ...BIG!


Amazing guide! Dunno about the contest but you get +1 from me!


Nice photos, you could also add a couple more item builds but that's ok :)


i will when i relax a little bit :P


i was on at it since 7 o'clock


pictures are hard :P


Nice guide xKenji!!!!

I will make one for the contest and for guide to anti-mage!!!!


interesting hero


thanks a lot people for your comments :)

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Nice Guide Noob:P!!

-beep-ing Awesome Guide Kenj!!!!!!!!Nice m8!


Don't post 2 times for the same reason, first warning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW when I get Rexxar instead of Armlet I make Bloodstone...

It makes Rexxar easier, and since I keep getting so many kills I get more regen and become more imba :D


rexxar has enough hp as it is, and the lifesteal given makes him unbeatable...


imo bloodstone is not needed ;) (that is why i have put into rejected items :P )

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