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OmG..What To Say more?I Will go crazy.


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All started at maxt0r's thread with the oldest member wins the platinum...bla bla bla.


I am writing for fun one old date (before 21's war vs turkey) And at the same post. i am writing.Kidding!

And logon the other day

And have -1 karma.

One friend of mine who was platinum said me who and at which post did that bullsh1t..

And who it was?

Dream was..

Omfg..i got -1 karma for a mistake of some1...


Can we make something again with my karma?!?!

IF Any mob wants the text pm me i'll sent it to him.

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imo dream had a point in here! the karma applaud came from a PM(dont ask why...we just know that it happened from PM since there is no reply redirection nowhere even in deleted replies section.)


since texasjunior hadnt placed a (serious) reason to support his cause just a "thanks for help" everyone can assume that it is a clear abuse via pm!


the only thing is that Dream remembered it a bit late and that is what drove you make this topic...


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We have to make clear that karma is for sharing and not for favors.

That's what I wanna say right now.And ok, stop crying for karma and ask DreaM yourself.Don't ask the community to take a decision before you speak with DreaM.



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Rofl mao..Who cares about karma?Make me -4 if u want but the point is that DreaM think he rullez here and many ppl had -1 cause of him almost no reason.

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See i got a lot of fans.


PS: Read Noble's reply i have nothing to add more but ofc i am teh bad guy here because i do what i have to ;D.

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See i got a lot of fans.


PS: Read Noble's reply i have nothing to add more but ofc i am teh bad guy here because i do what i have to ;D.


Lol you have to give -1 to everyone??OMFG..

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