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Well since i had some mega spam from certain members  of our forum that already got banned for leeching, the least i can say is that you should know that leeching is a bannable offense and i don't -beep-ing care who you are and why you are but if you think you will be unnoticed  when leeching you are seriously confused and you should go ask Chuck-y what to do.


DarkTerror have spammed my msn asking why am i moderator in this "noob" forum full of spammers ... .let me explain...


I am here not because of the brainless idiots that spam the forum i am here to help those who really know what forum is and know that there are lines that shouldn't be broke and know the meaning of a forum i am also here to punish those ridiculous spammers who think they can just say "thanks" to a somebody without even testing the cheat without even reading the guide without even looking the post i also call those guys post hunters ... So as i was saying







By US i mean me and my friends don't get me wrong everyone has its opinion...


You break rules you get punished ... Actually i suggest to all of you to go to:



-Type CopyRights or What is Copyrights?

-Read all the sh1t posted and there and than after you have read that leech us without second though [ofc if you have read the rules of copyrights you wouldn't want to claim them as your own]


Well i just wanted to express opinion its spam section so who the -beep- cares what i write.


Is this a way to express that you hate spammers and you are angry atm or I think so? xD


Ohai you stopped spamming or you were just banned for a period of time?  :o :o :o :o

Anyway its seems like you are really a spammer because you didn't read what i said you just type but mate wake up its spam section you don't get +1 in here...


I don't hate spammers i ignore them i help users with not just vision but brain too .


Ohai you stopped spamming or you were just banned for a period of time?  :o :o :o :o

Anyway its seems like you are really a spammer because you didn't read what i said you just type but mate wake up its spam section you don't get +1 in here...


I don't hate spammers i ignore them i help users with not just vision but brain too .


First of all it is my bussines what I do, If I spam or not..As you said you ignore them so if you want ignore me too if you take me as a spammer.And I read your whole post that's why I posted a reply cause I saw you were also talking for DarkTerror.And I don't give a sh1t about who you are too.I agree with your post about spammers but I din't post in this thread for +1 post cause I SAW THAT THIS IS IN SPAM SECTION.So don't piss me off telling that I spam.


You will burn from my Irony and parody. Good Fight.


"You will BE burned from my Irony and parody."


And I don't even care..You are a MXC member as I do and nothing more, nothing less.Except you can give -1/+1 in other members and just hidding behind a PC..So I JUST DON'T CARE.You said what you think about spammers, I said what I think about you..Good fight yourself.


You must be lacking something very important ;o, since you didn't understand the irony however saying i hide behind a pc hides some ugly thought's huh? But aren't you doing the same? And no i am not acting tough just because its the internet im the way i am many ppl dont like me , and i still wont care..


Always LoveFull DreaM.


You must be lacking something very important ;o, since you didn't understand the irony however saying i hide behind a pc hides some ugly thought's huh? But aren't you doing the same? And no i am not acting tough just because its the internet im the way i am many ppl dont like me , and i still wont care..


Always LoveFull DreaM.


You have 2 problems.


1)Learn better English and learn how to uses proper phrases.

2)Your prob is that you think that you are God or something and you think you can do whatever you want.And since you don't care as you say, then tell me, what the reason you created this thread??Just for telling that you are against of the spammers??Or just to tell us that you don't care about spammers and any spammer will be permanently banned??


You guys should stop flameing ... and I agreea with DreaM in some cases he wrote in his 1st post of this topic.


DreaM go kill a pillow and don't flame dude ...chill...let the spammers get banned.


And InsanePlayer you can't shut up ... I think you replied to this topic because you fell your self insulted...


This topic is useless DreaM close it dude...


he says that many ppl pm him and mention every time that they hate him.since this is done periodically he felt that he should public(in spam section) that he ignores them and that access here is a priviledge and not a right as the forum rules mention.the choices are 2.either they accept him and his work as it is and live with it either just leave since no one binds them here :D :P


i prefer door no1




You guys should stop flameing ... and I agreea with DreaM in some cases he wrote in his 1st post of this topic.


DreaM go kill a pillow and don't flame dude ...chill...let the spammers get banned.


And InsanePlayer you can't shut up ... I think you replied to this topic because you fell your self insulted...


This topic is useless DreaM close it dude...


I didn't feel insulted..He insulted me..


Ohai you stopped spamming or you were just banned for a period of time?  :o :o :o :o

Anyway its seems like you are really a spammer because you didn't read what i said you just type but mate wake up its spam section you don't get +1 in here...


I don't hate spammers i ignore them i help users with not just vision but brain too .


This is your answer...And it isn't my problem that he got tired of getting PMs.And in the first place I asked him on my first reply why this thread was made, but he didn't answer..He just called me a spammer...cause he thinks he is God and do whatever he likes..Finally I got my answer from Noble.




+1 bcause you are WOW Mod




+1 bcause you are WOW Mod


For God's Shake . Please Mercy.

I didn't feel insulted..He insulted me..


This is your answer...And it isn't my problem that he got tired of getting PMs.And in the first place I asked him on my first reply why this thread was made, but he didn't answer..He just called me a spammer...cause he thinks he is God and do whatever he likes..Finally I got my answer from Noble.


Well there are many spammers in here and you are one of them so...


PS : I don't flame i just express my opinion . ;)



As you can see cold reply to my thread, it show big part of the community who think that every single post of mine contains flame and i don't know whats wrong with you but you should go check a doctor because :


-You don't know what flame is.

-Expressing opinion sometimes may contain rude languages

-Its a forum so we can say what we want [well ofc not flame the other guy and his family ;D *but you can flame his dog i allow you to* *just don't flame cats, i will find you!*] and express our opinion.

-And sometimes as i view replies to my posts i really die from laugh and thank you OH YOU MAXTOR who created this forum for making my day with all the members you have in it, who say that i flame them when i said "you spam" and oh please have mercy !!!


As i was saying @InsanePlayer

1) My english is good'n' unlike you i have a life and i wont spend it to learn some language.

2) Yez MENG AR GOD NO AR KENT STOP ME. [btw i had the same thing said to me around 4-5 times in pm i love you guys too you know...]



So now i have to explain why i made this thread because you are too damn bored to put some thinking in to it so you can understand my thread well...I am leaving a message to all my fans + i am saying that copyrighting is a banable offense and once you get banned you shouldn't start swearing at people because you did, when you already know that what you did is not allowed.

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