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How I can setup hlapex?

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la2cheater man i will say it once again ..plz use the search button before asking anything..anyway you mean how to make it work eh??

well if you manage to find a server in which hlapex works (plz inform me) just open hlapex and then l2...after that go to hlapex,at send section and start sending packets that you have put at the packet file to yous character..

That's all pal and next time be sure to use the search button ;)

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la2cheater man i will say it once again ..plz use the search button before asking anything..anyway you mean how to make it work eh??

well if you manage to find a server in which hlapex works (plz inform me) just open hlapex and then l2...after that go to hlapex,at send section and start sending packets that you have put at the packet file to yous character..

That's all pal and next time be sure to use the search button ;)


i use search

the server is l2 elite can i use hlapex on elite?

answer me...

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as i know HlapeX dont work on l2elite ...


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2 L2J worlds and 1 NEW OFFICIAL SERVER c1/c2/c3/c4/c5 skills/gmshop/custom shop nad more more more..... JOIN NOW..... SO hlapex work on this server?

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