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[L2Inc] server review


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Hey guys

it's me XoDD uu may know me on some servers haha

but l2inc.eu is quite good i really enjoy it

there new 15x is extremely good

eveyrone is in D/C grade some in B very  little in A grade and if u see A grade it's common


I am a really hard person to impress but ever since i there lacer server it's top notch it\s really amazing

there is always people to grind with

especially me since im always grinding 24/7

you will always find a party around your lvl to grind with it's really awesome

It's not no 7x server but it's x15 ther are no lvl 76 yet im sure considering ive been playing for nearly 4 days straight with a large pt ive been able to round up a little bit of adena here and there common gear is good and then go farm for some a grade.




if your going to play i suggest your make a prophet a nd a spoiler becuz for a spoiler some places you spoil around 40-6- animal bones and skin and many  more champions drop around 400-500 skin/boneb and other crap

prophet for extra money selling buffs and help u kill mobs


I screwed up dont screw up like me making 1 char at a time i suggest u make all 3 at a time


I and my friend are working on a PP,Spoiler and a crafter so far we have a tank done adn a warlock so it's great for lvling and getting a grade mats etc on quests. i encourge all people who enjoy grinding with other people as in PARTYING no dirty stuff here. there is always ppl to lvl up witth


for second class chaneg i suggest you do the quest since you wont have enough money to buy it

and at low lvls start checking www.l2inc.eu for tehre custom quests some of them reqward 1kk which is like ALOT on the server since an B grade set is around 7kk imagine a A grade set around what 20kk that's really cheap haha


Anyways thats my reveiw on l2inc i hopeyou enjoy the server asm uch as i do cuz i wont be leaving anytime soon|


btw you will see alot of paladins

and if you try to play a paladin i wil discourage you bcuz KOS ^.^ anyuways lata hope you enjoy the server~!!!!!

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210$ And you are the best!!

Rolf !

I dont like your server!

i didnt got the part of 210$ but did you ever saw any server with something like the magic gem in inc ?

i dont think so any way thats your opinion ...

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give me one server give me the link i wanna see it

i remember for example l2ro or something like this...were the most important and beatiful l2 faction server with this gem system...
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Too bad L2Inc has a number of things wrong with it.


First, Lancer AFAIK, isn't run by the "normal" L2Inc staff. Despite that, there's already been GM corruption there as well. I have screenshots showing GMs personally selling items for real money, modifying player skills and boosting them (giving them +30 on everything), and giving out equipment.


nBd himself has admitted to this corruption publicly on at least two occasions.


Additionally the amount of bugs and glitches on the L2Inc servers are retarded due to the fact that the people there are supposed to be experts. But they care more about getting donations rather than fixing things.


The ONLY reason that they are so successful is because of the community. But even that's dying. And has been for the past few months.


So really, if you like playing on servers that are corrupt as shit, go for it, play on L2Inc.


Lancer Fresh Start  PDF  Print  E-mail

Written by Strife 

Saturday, 18 July 2009 17:17


Players of L2inc,


Our Lancer server will be coming back online this evening around 8pm GMT +1 .


We are having a fresh start, the Database has been cleaned and we have moved to new trusted Management and Administration there!


Hope to see you ingame!


All the best


L2Inc Staff




They had to wipe because of all the corruption. That's just funny. Do remember that nBd sent this out last time:


Fellow L2inc players


As you all know alot of things have happened in my absence, i have come back to find a disorganised GM team.

I spend my last 4! years in Admin a L2 Server and dont wanna have it destroyed by things like this.

Some facts have been brought to



After discussing with the other GMs about how the server is going we have decided that alot of things need to change and that we all need to pull together to make things better. As from now on there will be a few changes to come with many more planned for the future.


1. No GMs alts chars, if a GM wishes to play an Alt char they must give up their GM powers.

2. New GM ranking system, Gms will all be given different rights, some will have more power than others.

3. New Updates coming soon, I know that there has been alot of delays with this i am sorry but i havent had more than a few hours a day to do the coding as other things in life have kept me busy.


All that we as staff are asking is that players be patient and allow us time to put these new things into place.

As always your suggestions are much welcome to be posted in the Suggestion section of the forums.


Greetings from the l2inc Staff team.


To unsubscribe from these announcements, login to the forum and uncheck "Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email." in your profile.


You can view the full announcement by following this link:





The L2InC Forum Team.


So he was SUPPOSED to limit GMs back then, but he never did and corruption continued. I don't care how good nBd is at coding, he obviously has no common sense when managing a GM team and servers.

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